Schizophrenia. Orna Ophir

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Schizophrenia - Orna Ophir

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disturbances of the soul.79

      Some of my unfortunate patients labored under the horrors of a most gloomy and desponding melancholy. Others were furious and subject to the influence of a perpetual delirium. Some appeared to possess a correct judgment upon most subjects, but were occasionally agitated by violent sallies of maniacal fury; while those of another class were sunk into a state of stupid idiotism and imbecility. Symptoms so different and all comprehended under the general title of insanity, required on my part, much study and discrimination. (Philippe Pinel, A Treatise on Insanity, 1806)80

      Like other doctors working in hospitals and asylums during the mid-eighteenth century, Philippe Pinel, chief physician at the Salpêtrière, noticed the many different mental sufferings that were all classified under the broad title of insanity. Dissatisfied with the lack of discrimination between them, he writes:

      It is to be hoped, that our system of classification, independent of its methodical clearness and discrimination, will continue towards the establishment of proper rules for the internal government of lunatic hospitals and serve to discover or confirm some general indications of treatment, which in order to avoid empirical experiments, ought to be respectively adapted to each species and variety of mental derangement. (Philippe Pinel, A Treatise on Insanity, 1806)81

      As stated above, during the seventeenth century, the Galenic view, which considered madness as a functional disturbance of the body caused by an imbalance of the four humors or the six non-naturals, always existed side by side with spiritual and metaphysical explanations that conceived madness as the result of a foreign invasion (and, hence, proposed remedies to expel these very invaders). But, as the eighteenth century brought about a general secularization of thought and life, new questions regarding human beings and the nature they are part of (developments we now associate with the so-called “Scientific Revolution”) dramatically changed the moderns’ idea of madness overall.

      Linnaeus’ close friend and collaborator, François Boissier de Sauvages (1706–67), a professor at the medical school of Montpellier, was a vigorous classifier, who argued that medicine should follow the botanical model of classification by observable signs. He criticized the Galenic tradition, which classifies diseases according to imaginary anatomy and hypothetical causes, instructing his followers to stick to the testimony of their senses.

      Unlike these botanical models, which were based on the observed characteristics of the disease, by the late eighteenth century, William Cullen (1710–90), an influential professor of medicine and physics at the University of Edinburgh, suggested diseases be classified according to their possible etiology, that is, according to the cause of their disorders and natural history. In his First Lines of Physic, Cullen gave the name neurosis to a class of diseases that, in his definition, included irritation of the “nerves,” rather than focal lesions in the brain per se.85 One of the four “orders” of the neuroses was a group of “insanities” or so-called “vesaniae,” whose examples included amentia (idiotic insanity), melancholia (unsound mind in a sorrowful manner), mania (unsound mind in a furious manner), and oneirodynia (intense mental disturbance associated with dreaming).86

      Another classification system was offered by the celebrated French physician Philippe Pinel (1745–1826), with whom we opened this section, who suggested turning back to detailed clinical observation, noting the course of disease, and incorporating the patient’s life history. In his Medico-Philosophical Treatise on Mental Alienation or Mania, Pinel presented a classification of mental disorders that included four classes of insanity: maniacal insanity, melancholia, dementia, and idiocy.87 Maniacal insanity, according to Pinel, was typically temporary – yet sometimes chronic – and frequently curable. Melancholia was defined by “a dreamy taciturn manner, touchy and suspicious, with a desire to be left alone.”88 Dementia was seen as gradually eroding the victim’s thoughts and could not be cured. Finally, idiocy was the term used to describe a condition in which the intellect is not fully developed. These categories were still largely in use until the mid-nineteenth century, when hundreds of other psychiatric classifications were published across Europe.

      During this modern Enlightenment period, the concept of mental disease as a cluster of mental symptoms was first introduced, theoretically delineated, and clinically applied. As Berrios notes, descriptive psychopathology was also soon introduced as a new language in the field of mental afflictions. Its method and technical idiom served a new profession, namely “alienism,” which would become the precursor of “psychiatry,” and which, as soon as it emerged, established itself as a trade, a science, and

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