Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention. Surya K. De

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Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention - Surya K. De

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specific gravity SR sustained release STD sexually transmitted diseases T temperature tab. Tabella tablet tal., t. talus such tbsp. tablespoon t.d.s., TDS ter die sumendum three times a day t.i.d., t.d. ter in die three times a day TIA transient ischemic attack tid ac three times a day before meals TIN, t.i.n. three times a night t.i.w. three times a week top. topical TPN total parenteral nutrition tr, tinc., tinct. tinctura tincture
trit. triturate grind to a powder
troch. lozenge
tsp teaspoon
TO telephone order
TR timed‐release
TSH thyroid‐stimulating hormone
Tx treatment
U or u unit
UA urinalysis
u.d., ut. dict. as directed
ung. unguentum ointment
USP United States Pharmacopeia
UTI urinary tract infection
vag. vagine vaginally
vag, p. v. via the vagina
VLDL very low‐density lipoprotein
vol % volume percent
vol. volume
w with
w/a while awake
w/f with food (with meals)
w/o without
w/v weight in volume
WBC white blood cell
WNL within normal limits
wt. weight
x multiplied by
XL extended‐release
YO, y.o. years old
yr year
μEq microequivalent
μg, mcg microgram
μL microliter
@ at
> greater than
< less than
libra pound
uncia ounce
&ip.ezh; drachma dram (drachm)
scrupulus scruple

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