Interventional Cardiology. Группа авторов

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Interventional Cardiology - Группа авторов

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– including test injections – it is important to remember to check that the pressure tracing does not indicate wedging of the catheter tip against the vessel wall. If selective intubation via the femoral route proves elusive despite multiple attempts, the left radial route can offer a safer alternative A drawback of the left radial route is that right internal mammary artery (RIMA) grafts cannot be engaged, although successful intubation of the LIMA via the right radial route has been previously described [4]. A left radial approach is definitely helpful when the LIMA originates from the straight portion of the subclavian but selective cannulation may prove more difficult when it originates from the ascending limb where also catheters coming from the radial are challenged by the tortuosity of the subclavian (Figure 4.5). The first angiographic view for the LIMA requires panning from origin to the distal LAD. The views that best show the insertions are RAO cranial and left lateral. Collateral filling of other vessels should also be documented. Intubation to the diaphragm of a pedicle RIMA graft follows the same principles as for the LIMA, but with even greater care in view of the close proximity of the right internal carotid artery.

      Coronary variants

Schematic illustration of 80-year-old obese female was admitted for angiography following a recent worsening of angina. Schematic illustration of these views were taken during primary angioplasty performed in a 41-year-old male who presented with an acute inferolateral myocardial infarction. Schematic illustration of optimal angiographic views for specific segments in the circumflex and right coronary are indicated with a green tick mark. Schematic illustration of 47-year-old male with known coronary disease presented with deteriorating angina and reversible ischemia in the anterior territory on perfusion imaging.

      Once the anomalous coronary vessel has been intubated the standard views are often sufficient for the mid and distal vessel if the heart has a normal position and orientation (Figures 4.2 and 4.3), while the views for the proximal vessel and ostium may need to be modified depending on the origin and course.

      Knowledge of ventricular function is essential to interpret the clinical relevance of coronary disease and planning appropriate treatment. Many patients have a contemporary assessment of left ventricular function by non‐invasive testing, which provides similar or superior definition of the left ventricular cavity volume and global and regional wall motion, with the advantage that most of them can also dynamically study wall thickness and tissue characteristics (echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging) when attending for coronary angiography [1]. These modalities provide more information on the function and morphology of the left ventricle than conventional ventriculography and can obviate the need for further assessment. Ventriculography should be performed in the catheter laboratory if left ventricular function has not been assessed recently. The RAO view is standard, although an additional LAO view could be considered if assessment of the postero‐lateral wall, usually supplied by the circumflex, is likely to influence management.

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