Interventional Cardiology. Группа авторов

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Interventional Cardiology - Группа авторов

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of the vessel; media thickness of coronary arteries is inversely related to lesion thickness [10]. The intima–media border is poorly defined because the intimal layer reflects ultrasound more strongly than the media. Conversely, the media–adventitia border, consistent with the location of the external elastic membrane (EEM), is accurately defined because a step‐up in echo reflectivity occurs without blooming. The outermost layer, the adventitia, is composed of collagen and elastic tissue; it is 300–500 μm thick. The outer border of the adventitia is also indistinct due to echo reflectivity similar to the surrounding peri‐adventitial tissues [6]. Therefore, the normal coronary artery is either (i) “mono‐layered” in cases of intimal thickness <100 μm because (if in case a 20 or 40 MHz is used) IVUS catheter resolution is less than 100 μm; or (ii) “three‐layered” to include a bright echo from the intima, a dark zone from the media, and bright surrounding echoes from the adventitia (Figure 8.2). The “three‐layered” has been better recognized with the 60 MHz IVUS catheter.

Schematic illustration of normal coronary artery morphology in cross-sectional view.

Schematic illustration of IVUS measurements pre-intervention in a non-stented artery.

      In stented vessels, the stent forms a third measurable structure (stent CSA). It appears as bright points along the circumference of the vessel. Complete quantification of a stented lesion is possible by tracing the EEM and lumen areas of the proximal and distal reference and the EEM, lumen, and stent areas of the stented lesion; calculating derived measures (minimum and maximum EEM, stent, and lumen diameters; peri‐stent P&M area and thickness; and intra‐stent intimal hyperplasia [IH, area and %IH); and measuring stent length. With the use of motorized pullback, area measurements can be added to calculate volumes using Simpson’s formula.

Schematic illustration of a pure soft or hypoechoic plaque is uncommon because atherosclerotic plaques are rarely homogeneous.

      Intimal hyperplasia due to in‐stent restenosis often appears to have low echogenecity depending, in part, on age and adjunct therapies (i.e. brachytherapy).

      The identification of thrombus is difficult by IVUS. It may appear as lobulated hypoechoic mass within the lumen, scintillating echoes, a distinct interface between the presumed thrombus imaging and underlying plaque, and blood flow through the thrombus (Figure 8.5j).

Schematic illustration of diagnostic intravascular ultrasound was performed to assess the angiographic filling defect at the right coronary artery.

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