Arthritis For Dummies. Barry Fox

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Arthritis For Dummies - Barry  Fox

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alt="Bullet"/> Confirming the diagnosis


Treating rheumatoid arthritis


Differentiating between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

      Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a case of the human body’s good intentions gone awry. Your body is equipped with a very effective immune system that fights off bacteria and other foreign bodies. Specialized immune cells attack these invaders, surround them, paralyze them, and destroy them. A strong, intact immune system is absolutely essential to your survival — without it, you would quickly become consumed by infections and disease. But if your immune system should suddenly go haywire and start attacking your body’s own tissues, it could become your worst enemy. Such is the case with RA. When you have RA, your immune system attacks the tissues that cushion and line your joints, eventually causing entire joints to deteriorate.

      RA doesn’t have to be all bad news though; check out the sidebar “Overcoming RA: Lucy’s Story” later in the chapter to learn how actress Lucille Ball stayed active and healthy until the end of her life, despite having rheumatoid arthritis.

      For reasons that aren’t completely understood, in rheumatoid arthritis the white blood cells of the immune system attack the joint lining (synovial membrane) as if it were a foreign object. And pain, swelling, loss of movement, and joint destruction are the unhappy results. After the immune system goes to work on the joint lining, here’s what happens:

      1 The assaulted membrane becomes inflamed and painful, the entire joint capsule swells, and the synovial cells start to grow and divide in an abnormal way.

      2 Almost as if they’re launching a counterattack, these abnormal cells invade the surrounding tissue — mostly the bone and cartilage.

      3 The joint space begins to narrow, and the joint’s supporting structures become weak. At the same time, the cells that trigger inflammation release enzymes that start eating away at the bone and cartilage, causing joint erosion and scarring.

      4 Reeling under this many-sided attack, the joint itself deteriorates, eventually becoming misshapen and misaligned.

Schematic illustration of the synovial membrane is thin and free from inflammation; the cartilage is smooth, thick, and even. The joint space is well defined, and the joint capsule assumes a normal shape.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 3-1: In the healthy joint, the synovial membrane is thin and free from inflammation; the cartilage is smooth, thick, and even. The joint space is well defined, and the joint capsule assumes a normal shape.

Schematic illustration of the synovial membrane is inflamed and swollen, with infected cells invading both bone and cartilage.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 3-2: In the joint affected by RA, the synovial membrane is inflamed and swollen, with infected cells invading both bone and cartilage. The cartilage is thin, the joint space narrowed, and the joint capsule swollen.


If the tear and salivary glands partially “dry up,” Sjögren’s can develop in association with RA. See Chapter 4 for more on this “drying disease.”

      Some people have RA for just a short time — a few months or a couple of years — and then it disappears forever. Others suffer through painful periods (flares) that come and go, although they can feel quite well in between episodes. Those with severe forms of RA, however, may be in pain a good deal of the time, experience symptoms for many years, and suffer serious joint damage.

      Recognizing the signs and symptoms of RA


Although pain and inflammation are early signs of RA, they’re not always the first to herald the arrival of the disease. RA typically begins with minor symptoms and slowly makes its presence known. But it can also strike dramatically, causing several joints to become inflamed all at once.

Schematic illustration of the areas where rheumatoid arthritis is most likely to strike.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 3-3: The areas where rheumatoid arthritis is most likely to strike.

       Pain, warmth, redness, swelling, or tightness in a joint

       Swelling of three or more joints for six or more weeks

       Joints affected in a symmetrical, mirror-image pattern (for example, both knees, both shoulders, and so on)

       Joint pain or stiffness lasting longer than 30 minutes upon arising or after prolonged inactivity

       Pea-shaped bumps under the skin (called rheumatoid nodules), especially on pressure points like the elbows or the feet, or overlying affected joints. In bedridden patients, they may also occur at the base of the scalp or on the back side of the hip

       Evidence of joint erosion on an X-ray

       Loss of mobility

       General soreness, aching, stiffness

       A general “sick” feeling (malaise)



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