Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt

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Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology - Kirk N. Gelatt

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      These neural crest‐derived tissues are all induced by the outer layer of the optic cup (future RPE). Normal RPE differentiation is a prerequisite for normal development of the sclera and choroid. The choroid and sclera are relatively differentiated at birth, but the tapetum in dogs and cats continues to develop and mature during the first four months postnatally.

      The primary vitreous forms posteriorly, between the primitive lens and the inner layer of the optic cup. In addition to the vessels of the hyaloid system, the primary vitreous also contains mesenchymal cells, collagenous fibrillar material, and macrophages. Primitive hyalocytes produce collagen fibrils that expand the volume of the secondary vitreous.

      The tertiary vitreous forms as a thick accumulation of collagen fibers between the lens equator and the optic cup. These fibers are called the marginal bundle of Drualt, or Drualt's bundle. Drualt's bundle has a strong attachment to the inner layer of the optic cup, and it is the precursor to the vitreous base and lens zonules. The early lens zonular fibers appear to be continuous with the inner, limiting membrane of the nonpigmented epithelial layer covering the ciliary muscle. Atrophy of the primary vitreous and hyaloid leaves a clear, narrow central zone, which is called Cloquet's canal.

      The eyelids develop from surface ectoderm, which gives rise to the epidermis, cilia, and conjunctival epithelium. Neural crest mesenchyme gives rise to deeper structures, including the dermis and tarsus. The eyelid muscles (i.e., orbicularis and levator) are derived from craniofacial condensations of mesoderm called somitomeres. The upper eyelid develops from the frontonasal process; the lower eyelid develops from the maxillary process. The lid folds grow together and elongate to cover the developing eye. The upper and lower lids fuse on day 32 of gestation in the dog. Separation occurs two weeks postnatally.

      The extraocular muscles (EOM) arise from mesoderm in somitomeres (i.e., preoptic mesodermal condensations). Spatial organization of developing eye muscles is initiated before they interact with the neural crest mesenchyme. From studies of chick embryos, it has been shown that the oculomotor‐innervated muscles originate from the first and second somitomeres, the superior oblique muscle from the third somitomere, and the lateral rectus muscle from the fourth somitomere. The entire length of these muscles appears to develop spontaneously rather than from the orbital apex anteriorly.


      A thorough understanding of normal ophthalmic anatomy is an integral part of the foundational knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic diseases as the majority of the ocular tissues can be visualized directly. The veterinarian can examine eyes from a wide variety of animal species, and fortunately the eye has largely retained the same basic components, but important and clinically relevant differences do exist. This chapter will primarily present the ophthalmic anatomy of dogs, cats, horses, livestock species, and occasional birds, and relates information important to the clinician. More detailed anatomical information is available in the standard veterinary and comparative anatomy texts.

      In horses and ruminants, the orbits are positioned more laterally than carnivores, being approximately 40° (i.e., horses) and 50° (i.e., cattle) from midline. Monocular vision in these and other ungulate species is enhanced, providing a strong panoramic line of vision, which allows for scanning the horizon to search for potential predators.

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Dimension Feline (mm) Canine (mm) Bovine (mm) Equine (mm)
Width 24 29 65 62
Height 26 28 64 59
Depth 49 120 98