The Pocket Guide to Critical Appraisal. Iain K. Crombie

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The Pocket Guide to Critical Appraisal - Iain K. Crombie

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design used in a study so the appropriate appraisal checklist can be selected. This chapter provides an outline of the common research designs to aid their identification. It does not provide a full description of each method, but instead gives sufficient detail to confirm which design was used.

      Essential features

      Surveys take samples from a target group or population. The idea behind this is that a well‐taken sample contains almost as much information as would come from studying the whole population. In principle, surveys obtain a complete list of the group or population of interest from which a sample of individuals is selected for further study. The selection is carried out randomly (not haphazardly), such that each individual has an equal chance of being chosen. In practice, a complete list may not be available and alternative approaches such as cluster sampling can be used (these more complicated designs are not described here). The important points are that selection of individuals uses random sampling and that the sample obtained is representative of a target population.


      Surveys usually do not have a separate control or comparison group, so studies that have them are not surveys. However, in the analysis of surveys one subgroup in the sample may be compared against another (e.g. men versus women, or old versus young). Comparisons are being made, but there is no sense in which one group is acting as a control to another group. All the individuals have been selected at the same time and an internal comparison is made.

      Terms of identification

      Cohort studies are used to find out what happens to study participants over time. It is the method of choice for studying disease prognosis, or for investigating the consequences of exposure to potentially harmful agents. For example, studies could investigate how long patients with acute low back pain take to recover, or how many people who smoke subsequently develop lung cancer. Whatever the topic, a group of individuals is identified and followed up to see what events befall them. Most commonly the aim is to determine whether exposure to a potentially noxious substance leads to an increased risk of a disease. Sometimes the interest is in whether potentially beneficial substances, such as dietary vitamins or fish oils, reduce the risk of disease.

      Essential features

      The defining characteristic of cohort studies is the element of time: in cohort studies time flows forwards. A set of individuals is identified at one point in time and followed up to a later time to ascertain what has happened. These studies are called prospective cohort studies. When studying the impact of some exposure, cohort studies often have a comparison or control group. The controls are usually identified at around the same time and followed for the same length of time. This type of cohort study is called a concurrent cohort study.


      Some cohort studies identify the group from some time in the past and follow them up to the present. These studies might at first appear to be looking backwards in time, but they are not. Historical records are used, and time flows forwards from the point at which the individuals are identified. This type of design is usually called a retrospective cohort study. (Note the term historical cohort study is used when the exposed group is recruited from one period and the comparison group comes from an earlier period.)

      Terms of identification

      The terms prospective and longitudinal suggest a cohort study, although these terms are also used in clinical trials. The term retrospective is used for one type of cohort study, but is also used with case–control studies.

      Essential features

      Case–control studies look backwards in time from some event (e.g. the diagnosis of breast cancer or failing to attend a clinic) to try to identify factors in the past that might explain why that event occurred. The direction of time is crucial for distinguishing between cohort studies and case–control studies: cohort studies look forwards; case–control studies backwards.


      The use of a control group is not a defining characteristic, since RCTs always have one, and cohort studies often do.

      Terms of identification

      Several terms are used for this type of study including: case–control, case‐referent, case‐comparator, and case‐comparison. Because the method looks backwards in time it is sometimes called a retrospective study, but this term can be used with cohort studies.

      The RCT should be the easiest method to identify. This design is used to test whether one health care intervention is superior to another. RCTs are most often used to test drugs,

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