Solid State Physics. Philip Hofmann
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The Bragg theory for X‐ray diffraction is useful for extracting the distances between lattice planes in a crystal, but it has its limitations. Most importantly, it does not provide any information on what the lattice actually consists of, that is, the basis. Also, the fact that the X‐rays are described as being reflected by planes is physically somewhat obscure. In the following, we will therefore discuss a more general description of X‐ray diffraction that goes back to M. von Laue.
The physical process leading to X‐ray scattering is that the electromagnetic field of the X‐rays forces the electrons in the material to oscillate with the same frequency as that of the field. The oscillating electrons then emit new X‐rays that give rise to an interference pattern. For the following discussion, however, it is merely important that something scatters the X‐rays, not what it is.
It is highly beneficial to use the complex notation for describing the electromagnetic X‐ray waves. For the electric field, a general plane wave can be written as
The wave vector
Consider now the situation depicted in Figure 1.10. The source of the X‐rays is far away from the sample at the position
Before we proceed, we can drop the absolute amplitude
Figure 1.10 Illustration of X‐ray scattering from a sample. The source and detector for the X‐rays are placed at
A small volume element
Again, we have assumed that the detector is very far away from the sample so that the scattered wave at the detector can be written as a plane wave. Inserting Eq. (1.7) gives the field at the detector as