Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 3. Susan Gillingham

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Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 3 - Susan Gillingham

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2 vols. Trans. W. J. Ferrar. London: SPCK, 1920.RBRevue BibliqueRES The Review of English StudiesRevQRevue de QumranSBBStuttgarter biblische BeiträgeSBLDSSociety of Biblical Literature Dissertation SeriesSBLMSSociety of Biblical Literature Monograph SeriesSBLSCSSociety of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate StudiesSJTScottish Journal of TheologySNTSchriften des Neuen TestamentsStBibLitStudies in Biblical LiteratureSTDJStudies on the Texts of the Desert of JudahSTSAStudi e testo di storia anticaStPat Studia PatristicaStTh Studia TheologicaSymSSBL Symposium SeriesTGUOSTransactions of the Glasgow University Oriental SocietyTNTCTyndale New Testament CommentariesThLZ Theologische LiteraturzeitungTSTheological StudiesTUTexte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen LiteraturUCOPUniversity of Cambridge Oriental PublicationsVTVetus TestamentumVTSupSupplements to Vetus TestamentumWBCWord Biblical CommentaryWGRWWritings from the Greco-Roman World. Ed. R. F. Hock. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001-.WSAWorks of St. Augustine: A Translation for the Twenty-First Century. Ed. J. E. Rotelle. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1995–WTJWestminster Theological JournalWUNTWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen TestamentYJSYale Judaica SeriesZAWZeitschrift für die alttestamentliche WissenschaftZThKZeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche

      Abbreviations of Greek and Latin Works

Justin Martyr1 Apol.First Apology
Dial.Dialogue with Trypho
Augustine of HippoEnarrat. Ps.Enarrationes in Psalmos/ Expositions on the Psalms
Civ.The City of God
OrigenSel. Ps.Selection from the Psalms
CassiodorusExp. Ps.Expositio psalmorum/ Explanation of the Psalms
TheodoretCom. Ps.Commentary on the Psalms
EusebiusCom. Ps.Commentary on the Psalms
BasilHom. Ps.Homilies on the Psalms
JeromeTract. Ps.Tractus in Psalmos
AmbroseExp in PsExplanations of Psalms
AthanasiusInterp. Ps.Interpretation of the Psalms

      Abbreviations of Talmudic and Mishnaic Works

Avot.Pirkei Avot
Ros Has.b.Rosh HaShanah

      Psalms 73–83: The Asaphite Collection: ‘How Long, O Lord?’

      Psalms 73–77: ‘Has God Forgotten to be Gracious?’

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