Poly(lactic acid). Группа авторов
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72 72. K. Tashiro, A role of taut tie chains in the heterogeneous stress distribution and mechanical deformation behavior of synthetic and natural fibers, J. Fiber Sci. Technol. 2021, 77, 88–117.
73 73. S. Lee, M. Kimoto, M. Tanaka, H. Tsuji, T. Nishino, Crystal modulus of poly (lactic acid)s, and their stereocomplex, Polymer 2018, 138, 124–131.
74 74. D. Brizzolara, H. J. Cantow, K. Diederichs, E. Keller, A. J. Domb, Mechanism of the stereocomplex formation between enantiomeric poly(lactide)s, Macromolecules 1996, 29, 191–197.
75 75. L. Cartier, T. Okihara, B. Lotz, Triangular polymer single crystals: stereocomplexes, twins, and frustrated structures, Macromolecules 1997, 30, 6313–6322.
76 76. X. Wang, R. Prud’homme, Dendritic crystallization of poly(l‐lactide)/poly(d‐lactide) stereocomplexes in ultrathin films, Macromolecules 2014, 47, 668–676.
77 77. H. Tsuji, Poly(lactide) stereocomplexes: formation, structure, properties, degradation, and applications, Macromol. Biosci. 2005, 5, 569–597.
78 78. H. Tsuji, Poly(lactic acid) stereocomplexes: a decade of progress, Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev. 2016, 107, 97–135.
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80 80. H. Wang, K. Tashiro, Reinvestigation of crystal Structure and intermolecular interactions of biodegradable poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate) α‐form and the prediction of its mechanical property, Macromolecules 2016, 49, 581–594.
81 81. S. Phongtamrug, K. Tashiro, X‐ray crystal structure analysis of poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate) β‐form, Macromolecules 2019, 52, 2995–3009.
82 82. H. Sato, R. Murakami, A.Padermshoke, F. Hirose, K. Senda, I. Noda, Y. Ozaki, Infraredspectroscopy studies of CH⋯O hydrogen bondings and thermal behavior ofbiodegradable poly(hydroxyalkanoate), Macromolecules 2004, 37, 7203–7213.
83 83. T. Iwata, Y. Aoyagi, T. Tanaka, M. Fujita, A. Takeuchi, Y. Suzuki, K. Uesugi, Microbeam X‐ray diffraction and enzymatic degradation of poly [(R)‐3‐hydroxybutyrate] fibers with two kinds of molecular conformations, Macromolecules 2006, 39, 5789–5795.
84 84. M. C. Righetti, Amorphous fractions of poly(lactic acid), in: M. L. Di Lorenzo, R. Androsch (Eds.), Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid), Advances in Polymer Science, vol. 279, Springer, Berlin, 2017.
85 85. M. L. Di Lorenzo, M. C. Righetti, Crystallization‐induced formation of rigid amorphous fraction, Polym. Cryst. 2018, e10023.
86 86. S. N. Zhurkov, V. A. Zakrevskyi, V. E. Korsukov, Mechanism of submicrocrack generation in stressed polymers, J. Polym. Sci. Part 2 1972, 10, 1509–1520.
87 87. C. S. Fuller, C. L. Erickson, An X‐ray study of some linear polyesters, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1937, 59, 344–351.
88 88. A. Turner‐Jones, C. W. Bunn, The crystal structure of polyethylene adipate and polyethylene suberate, Acta Crystallogr. 1962, 15, 105–113.
89 89. S. Y. Hobbs, F. W. J. Billmeyer, Crystal unit‐cell dimensions and densities of linear aliphatic polyesters, J. Polym. Sci. Part A‐2 1969, 7, 1119–1121.
90 90. K. Tashiro, T. Yoshioka, H. Yamamoto, H. Wang, E. M. Woo, K. Funaki, H. Murase, Relationship between twisting phenomenon and structural discontinuity of stacked lamellae in the spherulite of poly(ethylene adipate) as studied by the synchrotron X‐ray microbeam technique, Polym. J. 2018, 9–12.
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