Product Maturity, Volume 2. Franck Bayle
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6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Test cone exampleFigure 6.2. Global test coneFigure 6.3. Example of removal rate over a three-year delivery periodFigure 6.4. Removal rate over a sliding period of six monthsFigure 6.5. Example of removal rate with various sizes of sliding windowFigure 6.6. Overview diagram of how feedback data can be usedFigure 6.7. Root cause-based estimation of burn-in effectivenessFigure 6.8. Product maturity depending on parameter βFigure 6.9. Example of product maturityFigure 6.10. Example of product non-maturityFigure 6.11. Illustration of the component alert principleFigure 6.12. Example of the product that does not have the expected reliability ...Figure 6.13. Example of mature productFigure 6.14. Example of failure distribution over four HASS cyclesFigure 6.15. Example of failure distribution over four HASS cycles after optimiz...Figure 6.16. Example of evolution of the number of failures
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Example of data for a non-compliance test
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Example of a non-regression test
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Values of parameter β for mechanical componentsTable 4.2. Physical laws of failureTable 4.3. Activation energy according to the FIDES guideTable 4.4. Activation energies according to the JEDEC JEP122 standardTable 4.5. Activation energyTable 4.6. Activation energy according to EDR (2000)Table 4.7. Activation energy for TOSHIBA semiconductorsTable 4.8. Coffin–Manson coefficient according to (Livingston 2000)Table 4.9. Tests conducted on a quartz crystal according to the Automotive Elect...Table 4.10. Example of life profile with negligible thermal constant
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Classification of subsetsTable 5.2. Reliability estimation methods for the subsetsTable 5.3. Parameters of mission profile exampleTable 5.4. Results of the accelerated tests of reliabilityTable 5.5. Value of C and Ea parameters for different manufacturersTable 5.6. Values of C and Ea parameters for different manufacturers and associa...
5 Chapter 6Table 6.1. Examples of various cases of Weibull law combinationsTable 6.2. Boundaries of β parameter of a PLP modelTable 6.3. Boundaries of parameter β of a PLP modelTable 6.4. Delivery flow and number of observed failuresTable 6.5. Delivery flow and number of observed failuresTable 6.6. Scoreboard of burn-in effectivenessTable 6.7. Example of evolution of the number of failures
1 Cover
13 References
14 Index
15 Other titles from iSTE in Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics
1 v
2 iii
3 iv
4 ix
5 x
6 xi
7 xiii
8 xiv
9 xv
10 xvii
11 xviii
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