Власть роботов. Как подготовиться к неизбежному. Мартин Форд

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Власть роботов. Как подготовиться к неизбежному - Мартин Форд

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      Andrew Senior, Demis Hassabis, John Jumper and Pushmeet Kohli, “AlphaFold: Using AI for scientific discovery,” DeepMind Research Blog, January 15, 2020, deepmind.com/blog/article/AlphaFold-Using-AI-for-scientific-discovery.


      Ian Sample, “Google’s DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins,” The Guardian, December 2, 2018, www.theguardian.com/science/2018/dec/02/google-deepminds-ai-program-alphafold-predicts-3d-shapes-of-proteins.


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      Lyxor Robotics и AI UCITS ETF, тикер ROAI.


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      Sara Castellanos, “Intel to release neuromorphic-computing system,” Wall Street Journal, March 18, 2020, www.wsj.com/articles/intel-to-release-neuromorphic-computing-system-11584540000.


      Linda Hardesty, “WikiLeaks publishes the location of Amazon’s data centers,” SDXCentral, October 12, 2018, www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/wikileaks-publishes-the-location-of-amazons-data-centers/2018/10/.


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      Pierr Johnson, “With the public clouds of Amazon, Microsoft and Google, big data is the proverbial big deal,” Forbes, June 15, 2017, www.forbes.com/sites/johnsonpierr/2017/06/15/with-the-public-clouds-of-amazon-microsoft-and-google-big-data-is-the-proverbial-big-deal/.


      Richard Evans and Jim Gao, “DeepMind AI reduces Google data centre cooling bill by 40 %,” DeepMind Research Blog, July 20, 2016, deepmind.com/blog/article/deepmind-ai-reduces-google-data-centre-cooling-bill-40.


      Urs Hölzle, “Data centers are more energy efficient than ever,” Google Blog, February 27, 2020, www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/sustainability/data-centers-energy-efficient/.


      Ron Miller, “AWS revenue growth slips a bit, but remains Amazon’s golden goose,” TechCrunch, July 25, 2019, techcrunch.com/2019/07/25/aws-revenue-growth-slips-a-bit-but-remains-amazons-golden-goose/.


      John Bonazzo, “Google exits Pentagon ‘JEDI’ project after employee protests,” Observer, October 10, 2018, observer.com/2018/10/google-pentagon-jedi.


      Annie Palmer, “Judge temporarily blocks Microsoft Pentagon cloud contract after Amazon suit,” CNBC, February 13, 2020, www.cnbc.com/2020/02/13/amazon-gets-restraining-order-to-block-microsoft-work-on-pentagon-jedi.html.


      Lauren Feiner, “DoD asks judge to let it reconsider decision to give Microsoft $10 billion contract over Amazon,” CNBC, March 13, 2020, www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/pentagon-asks-judge-to-let-it-reconsider-its-jedi-cloud-contract-award.html.

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