Win in the fight! Encyclopedia of Fight: Muay Thai, MMA, Kickboxing (Part I: Muay Thai, reducted ver). Сергей Иванович Заяшников
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2007-05-19. Moscow (RUS). Luzhniki stadium. Dzhavatkhan Atakov (RUS) vs Pavel « Kayman » Zhuravlev (UKR). Photo on the left : ____, Mike Sheppard (VW, USA), A. Vinnichuk (UKR), P. Zhuravlev (UKR)
Lower head jab is done from the position that is formed after slipping to the left, parrying to the right, rotating body to the left – not from a fighting stance. It can be done from the fighting stance only if the opponent is tall and erect.
Execution. Boxer rapidly sends fist to the target from initial stance or, for instance, after slipping to the left – which leads left hand to be a little bit behind and lower than the opponent’s head level. At the same time he rotates the torso from left to right. Left elbow is drawn down, thumb looks up. Everything else is done the same way as it was described in the basic jab. This punch is made mainly as a preventive blow and is done without stepping forward.
1993-09-02. Novosibirsk (RUS). Alexander Sokolov (RUS) vs Sergey Alles (RUS).
Head jab with move backwards.
This punch is used as a counter-punch against aggressive offense of the opponent. The boxer transfers his body weight to the right leg, throws his fist along direct trajectory towards the opponent, his torso rapidly rotates from left to right in a left hip. Everything else is done in a same way as the basic technique.
If the opponent is particularly aggressive and moves forward to attack, this punch can be combined with step backwards or side step, during which the boxer throws a counter-punch.
Short head jab.
In many cases, boxers end up fighting in a close range. This can happen on purpose or unexpectedly.
In that cases when jabs are thrown, the boxer either does not have time to straighten the arm or does not straighten it on purpose. When touching the target, he rapidly tenses muscles of his wrist, forearm and shoulder and for a second leaves the tensed hand in a position as it was touching the target. This is how so-called short jabs are done.
Except for above described difference, these punches technique doesn’t differ from regular jabs: same hand coordination, same legs and torso moves, and same covers.
That is why we will list only short left head jabs:
Short head jab (similar to basic jab)
Short upper head jab
Short lower head jab
All these jabs can be done with step forward, step backwards or without one. As for the lower head jab, it is a punch interim between jab and uppercut, and the initial position for it can be both fighting stance and positions connected to turning and slipping.
Main jab mistakes:
The head is inclined to the side, pulled back or turned
Elbows are drawn forward, opening the torso and deforming jab trajectory
Hands are dropped down after being put back into initial position
Right elbow drawn to the side, not covering the face
Body jab.
Left body jabs allow the boxer to gain points, get away from head punches, and prepare right counter-punch. There are not a lot of variations for this punch.
Execution. Left body jab (basic) is done from the main position with a step forward or without it. Torso bending forward right is the base of the movement. Bodyweight is transferred to the left leg, directing the hand to the target in a straight line. The fist is pointed fingers down, right hand covers the head from a counter-punch.
This jab is used in the offensive (with step forward) and as a preventive punch against the attacking opponent (without the step). When used in a close range, these jabs are done without inclining and become short jabs. This jab is particularly effective when combined with right footstep forward right.
Head cross
2008-12-07. Moscow (RUS). Luzhniki stadium. Arthur “Viking” Gasanov (RUS) vs Sean “Hammer” Hinds (NYC. USA).
Cross is used mainly as a counter-punch. It never opens the attack since while doing it the torso opens a lot of vulnerable places, which are hard to cover. It can only be used in the attack when the opponent is opened up.
Execution. From the fighting stance, the bodyweight is transferred to the left leg, while left side of the torso forms a straight line. Then right hip and shoulder rapidly rotate in the direction of a punch and right hand rapidly straightens. Fist moves in a straight line at the shoulder level, and when touches the target, it does a rapid quarter counter-clockwise rotation so that in the moment of punch the palm points down.
In the last phase of the punch right shoulder covers the chin on the right, left fist covers it on the left and on the front. The hand is retracted in the same way as in left jab.
Cross is used to weaken the opponent and make him drop the hands.
What provides this punch its strength is a rapid torso turn to the left around left leg, and simultaneous body throw to the left leg thanks to bending right knee. Right hand starts to straighten when right shoulder reaches the level of left foot. The torso is constantly following the hand. The hand straightens along a linear trajectory from the shoulder to the target.
Depending on the tactical goals and the fight situation, head cross can be used in the offensive, counter-attack or as a preventive punch.
Since attacking cross is easy to notice, it is used in the attack only against very weak or very tired opponent. It is usually prepared by fake or real jabs.
As a preventive punch, head cross can be used against both jabs and crosses. In the first case, the boxer makes a step (half-lunge) left forward to open up the opponent. In the second case, he makes a slight slipping to the left to avoid the punch and directs the hand straight to the head of opponent (for that, he needs to target his left shoulder: the opponent will inevitable move to the left and the punch will get him in the head).
2015-10-23. Moscow-City (RUS). “RAMTL FIGHT-V”. Roman “Vulture” Koshin (RUS) vs Beslan “Nomad”Nasyrov (TKM).
When used as a counter-punch, it is made after slipping to the right, parrying to the right and stepping to the left.
In all the cases the boxer covers his head with a left hand (open glove).
Head cross options.
Upper head cross.
While doing this