11-й – 20-й тесты, английский язык, ЕГЭ, 2023, на базе материалов ФИПИ. Игорь Евтишенков

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11-й – 20-й тесты, английский язык, ЕГЭ, 2023, на базе материалов ФИПИ - Игорь Евтишенков

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lost and end up on the other side of the mountain, so I decided to spend the night in the hut.»

      Inside, it was dark and clammy, but there was a table, wooden bunks, and even some foam padding for a bed. Sean ate a chocolate bar from his backpack, and settled in. It would be an easy hike back to camp in the morning, and he imagined his family’s relief when he returned unharmed.

      Sean was on foot again by 6 a.m., tracking his way across a broad bowl and up a steep, snowy slope. On the other side of the ridge there was the ski area, and from there he could practically jog down the slopes. He made good progress until a storm suddenly swept over the ridge and nearly blew him off his feet. In minutes, he was caught in a white-out. «If I can just make the ridge, I’m home free,» Sean thought, as he powered forward, bending against the gale.

      But the ridge never appeared, and Sean knew it was crazy to stay on the exposed slope. He’d have to find an alternative route. He had no idea where he was but thought he could make out a trail still farther below.

      Sean studied the snow in front of him. It looked hard and slick. He regretted that he hadn’t brought his crampons – sharp spikes that attach to hiking boots – or an ice axe, which would have helped ensure safe passage. All he had was a pair of trekking poles. He reached out a foot to test the frozen surface and gradually brought his weight down. For a moment, he balanced but then his feet shot out from under him, and he began tumbling down the steep slope. He accelerated as he fell, rolling wildly over rocks and snow. When he came to rest, far below from where he had stood, he was in a seated position as if he’d just plopped down to have a snack. It would have been comical if he hadn’t been so stunned.

      He sat for a while and gathered his wits. He was wearing only a ski hat but his head seemed OK. Then Sean looked down at his legs. The long underwear covering his left leg was shredded, and bright red blood soaked the abraded flesh around his kneecap.

      He gingerly inspected the wound. With effort, he got back on his feet, but his injured leg buckled beneath him, and he fell face-first into the snow. He felt a hot surge of alarm. He was kilometres away from help, and certainly no one would come through this area for days, maybe weeks. He sat in the snow, on the verge of despair.

      12. The main aim of Sean’s visit to Spain was…

      1) to climb the highest peak on the Spanish mainland.

      2) touring and walking.

      3) to try the regional cuisine.

      4) to enjoy the country’s robust red wines.


      13. At that time of year, the mountain’s snowy trails were…

      1) icy.

      2) slippery.

      3) difficult.

      4) uncomplicated.


      14. Megan and Aidan had to wait till morning because…

      1) Megan didn’t speak Spanish.

      2) the chairlifts didn’t work at night.

      3) they couldn’t find any help.

      4) a hotel clerk’s directions were wrong.


      15. Sean…

      1) reached Mulhacen’s summit by mid-afternoon.

      2) lost his way.

      3) descended until dawn.

      4) decided to spend the night in the wooden hut.



      16. Sean could not make the ridge because…

      1) it was too far.

      2) he was very tired.

      3) of a blizzard.

      4) of a strong wind and poor visibility.


      17. Sean fell down the slope because…

      1) a strong wind was blowing.

      2) the slope was too steep.

      3) he didn’t have special equipment.

      4) he didn’t use his trekking poles.


      18. While falling, Sean…

      1) was not injured.

      2) injured his head.

      3) shattered his kneecap.

      4) broke his leg.


      По окончании выполнения заданий 10—18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

      Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

      Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—24.

      The News on TV

      19. Before television, people often ___________ to the cinema to watch the news. GO

      20. In those days, they ___________ also listen to the news on the radio

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