Фабрики мысли в условиях глобальных трансформаций. А. А. Балаян

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Фабрики мысли в условиях глобальных трансформаций - А. А. Балаян

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style="font-size:15px;">      Raising the Bar: Redefining Relations Between the Individual and the State in by Takahiro Suzuki – http://www.nira. go. jp/publ/re-view/ 97winter/Suzuki.hnml.


      Алексей Ситников. Фабрики мысли (think tanks) http://www. sitnikov. com / market/pr oj ect/thinktanks /.




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      Bruce L. R. Smith: The RAND Corporation. Case Study of a Nonprofit Advisory Corporation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1966.


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      James Allen Smith. The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite. New York: Free Press, 1991.


      Andrew Rich. Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004; Рич Э., Уивер К. P. Пропагандисты и политики: «мозговые центры» и политизация экспертов. // Pro et Contra, 2003, Том 8, № 2, с. 64–89.


      Lawrence Н. Shoup and William Minter. Imperial Brain Trust. The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy. – Choice Press, 2004.


      Think-tanks and civil societies. Edited by James G. McGann and R. Kent Weaver. London, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. 2000.


      McGann, James G. Scholars, Dollars, and Policy Advice, Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2004; James G. McGann. Think Tanks and Policy Advice in the US: Academics, Advisors and Advocates. – Routledge Research in American Politics, 2007.


      Denham, Andrew, et Mark Garnett. British Think Tanks and the Climate of Opinion, London: UCL Press, 1998.


      Stone, Diane. Capturing the Political Imagination, Think Tanks and the Policy Process. – London: Frank Cass, 1996; Stone, Diane. Andrew Denham (eds.). Think Tank Traditions: Policy Analysis Across Nations; Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas. – Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.


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      Greenwood, Justin, Interest Representation in the European Union, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003


      Raymond J. Struyk, Reconstructive Critics. Think Tanks in Post-Soviet Bloc Democracies. Washington DC: The Urban Institute Press, 1999.


      Struyk, Raymond J. Managing Think Tanks: Practical Guidance for Maturing Organizations, Budapest, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative Washington DC., Urban Institute, 2002.


      Public Policy Institutes: World Experience and Development prospects in the South Caucasus/ Ed. By Sabit Bagirov. – Baku: OSI & Entrepreneurship Development Found., 2001; Open Society Institute related public policy centers. Activity Reports. – Budapest OSI, 2002.


      Думая о немыслимом: от идеи к политике. Роль «мозговых центров» в формировании правительственной стратегии. Опыт стран Центральной и Восточной Европы. / Пер. С англ. Программа развития ООН. – М.: Издательство «Весь Мир», 2004.


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