Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I. Джон Гай
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Clay C. G. A. Economic Expansion and Social Change: England, 1500–1700. 2 vols.; Cambridge, 1984. i. 13.
Wrigley, Schofield. Population History. P. 234, 528.
Bridbury A. R. Sixteenth-century Farming // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 27, 1974. P. 538–556.
e. g. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich Mayor’s Court Book 1510–1532. P. 201–202, 207, 227, 269 ff.; King’s Lynn Assembly Book, 1497–1544 (KL/C7/5), fo. 197v.
Palliser D. M. The Age of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors, 1547–1603. London, 1983. P. 135–150.
Идея предупредительного препятствия появилась в «Опыте о законе народонаселения» издания 1803 года. Последний раз Мальтус редактировал свой труд для издания 1816 года, этот окончательный текст впоследствии и переиздавали.
Wrigley, Schofield. Population History. P. 356–401.
Wrightson K. English Society, 1580–1680. London, 1982. P. 130–142.
The Description of England / Ed. G. Edelen. Ithaca, NY: Folger Books, 1968. P. 200–203.
Wrightson. English Society. P. 125–130; Appleby J. O. Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-century England. Princeton, NJ, 1978. P. 129–157.
Humanist Scholarship and Public Order / Ed. D. S. Berkowitz. Washington DC: Folger Books, 1983. P. 136–137.
Kingdon R. M. Social Welfare in Calvin’s Geneva // American Historical Review, 76, 1971. P. 50–69; Davis N. Z. Poor Relief, Humanism and Heresy: The Case of Lyon // Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 5, 1968. P. 217–275; Grimm H. J. Luther’s Contributions to Sixteenthcentury Organization of Poor Relief // Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte, 61, 1970. P. 222–234; Heller H. Famine, Revolt and Heresy at Meaux, 1521–25 // Archivfur Reformationsgeschichte, 68, 1977. P. 133–156; Pullan B. Rich and Poor in Renaissance Venice. Oxford, 1971. P. 239–291; Fideler P. A. Discussions of Poverty in Sixteenth-century England. Brandeis University, Ph. D. dissertation; published University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 1971.
Leonard E. M. The Early History of English Poor Relief. Cambridge, 1900. P. 25–40; Poor Relief in Elizabethan Ipswich / Ed. J. Webb. Ipswich: Suffolk Records Society, 1966. P. 11–20; Pound J. An Elizabethan Census of the Poor: The Treatment of Vagrancy in Norwich, 1570–1580 // University of Birmingham Historical Journal, 8, 1962. P. 135–161; Pound J. Poverty and Vagrancy in Tudor England. London, 1971; repr. 1978; Beier A. L. The Social Problems of an Elizabethan County Town: Warwick, 1580–1590 // Country Towns in Pre-industrial England / Ed. P. Clark. Leicester, 1981. P. 46–85.
Description of England. P. 180–186.
Crisis and Order in English Towns, 1500–1700 / Ed. P. Clark, P. Slack. London, 1972; The Early Modern Town / Ed. P. Clark. London, 1976; Palliser M. Tudor York. Oxford, 1979; MacCaffrey W. T. Exeter, 1540–1640. Cambridge, Mass., 1958; 2nd edn., 1975.
Данные для последующих абзацев взяты из: Cooper J. P. Land, Men and Beliefs: Studies in Early Modern History. London, 1983; Stone L. The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558–1641. Oxford, 1965; Miller H. Henry VIII and the English Nobility. Oxford, 1986; Agrarian History / Ed. Thirsk. iv. 276–306; Graves M. A. R. The Tudor Parliaments: Crown, Lords, and Commons, 1485–1603. London, 1985.
Description of England. P. 113–114.
Cooper. Land, Men and Beliefs. P. 25–26.
Palliser. Age of Elizabeth. P. 86.
Clay. Economic Expansion and Social Change, i. 143.
Clay. Economic Expansion and Social Change, i. 158.
Palliser. Age of Elizabeth. P. 70; cf. Cooper. Land, Men and Beliefs. P. 43–77.
Clay. Economic Expansion and Social Change, ii. 6.