Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги. Радмила Шарифьянова
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– The host called over to the guests to join the conversation.
– The driver called over to the pedestrian to ask for directions.
– The parent called over to the child to come inside for dinner.
– The performer called over to the audience to sing along with the song.
Call off on – отказаться от чего-то в последний момент
– The bride called off on the wedding ceremony at the last minute.
– The speaker called off on the conference due to personal reasons.
– The athlete called off on the championship after sustaining an injury during practice.
– The artist called off on the exhibition due to unforeseen circumstances.
– The company called off on the product launch due to manufacturing issues.
Call away from – отвлечь или увести кого-то от текущей задачи или обстановки
– The phone call called her away from the meeting to deal with an urgent matter.
– The emergency situation called the firefighters away from their training session.
– The child’s cry called her away from her work to attend to their needs.
– The urgent message called the doctor away from her lunch break to attend to a patient.
– The unexpected visitor called him away from his study to engage in conversation.
Call out on – критиковать или обвинять кого-то в плохом поведении или деятельности
– The teacher called out on the student for cheating on the exam.
– The manager called out on the employee for being consistently late to work.
– The coach called out on the player for unsportsmanlike behavior during the game.
– The customer called out on the company for poor service and unfulfilled promises.
– The community called out on the government for its lack of action on environmental issues.
Call up on – призывать к действию или использованию навыков или ресурсов
– The organization called up on volunteers to help with the charity event.
– The teacher called up on the students to use their critical thinking skills for the project.
– The coach called up on the players to demonstrate their teamwork and communication on the field.
– The artist called up on their creativity to produce a unique piece of art.
– The writer called up on their research skills to write an informative article.
Call off from – отменить участие в чем-то, перенести событие на другое время
– The athlete called off from the competition due to an injury.
– The company called off from the meeting due to scheduling conflicts.
– The student called off from the party due to illness.
– The event was called off from the outdoor venue due to bad weather.
– The artist called off from the exhibition due to unforeseen circumstances.
Call upon for – призывать к помощи или поддержке
– The organization called upon for donations to support their cause.
– The government called upon for citizens to conserve energy during the power outage.
– The teacher called upon for parents to participate in the school fundraiser.
– The coach called upon for fans to cheer for the team during the championship game.
– The musician called upon for fellow artists to collaborate on a charity concert.
Call out to – обращаться к кому-то для получения внимания или сотрудничества
– The speaker called out to the audience for their attention and engagement.
– The entrepreneur called out to investors for funding support for their startup.
– The writer called out to publishers for the opportunity to publish their book.
– The athlete called out to their coach for advice and guidance.
– The volunteer called out to their community for collective action on environmental issues.
Call for out – требовать ясности, честности или правдивости
– The investigation called for out the truth about the incident.
– The journalist called for out transparency from the government officials.
– The lawyer called for out honesty from the witness on the stand.
– The activist called for out accountability from the corporation for their actions.
– The teacher called for out clarity and accuracy in the students’ research projects.