Kazakhs and Turks. Almaz Braev

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Kazakhs and Turks - Almaz Braev

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the Uighurs, will not let you lie. But the Uighurs also speak the Turkic language. After all, the ancient Iranians were known to the ancient Chinese under the name Yueji. How many descendants of ancient Iranians turned into Turks – millions!

      All these tribes of ancient Iranians spoke different dialects of the Proto-Iranian language. But these ancient Iranians fought with each other, like the Mongols before Genghis Khan, like Kazakh tribes before the arrival of the Russians, but the Mongolian and Kazakh eternal showdowns are pathetic copies of the ancient Iranian thousand-year showdowns (the Mongols, by the way, could not impose the Mongolian language on the conquered world, although they followed the same route). What can I say: the worst enemies, Cyrus of Persia and the queen of the Massagets Tomiris in 530 BC, could talk to each other, most likely without translators. The Parthians took power from the Persians in Central Asia. The antagonism between Iran and Turan is not an Iranian-Turkic antagonism. These ancient Iranians fought with each other for a thousand years. Today, only Shiite Iran is the heir of all the once glorious ancient Iranians, bringing diversity to the motley Islamic world. What happened to the ancient Iranians that they turned into Turks and changed their faith?

      There is a whole complex of reasons for this historical defeat of the ancient Iranians. But the most important reason is the inability to cooperate strategically. All people with a tribal code, not even a culture, cannot cooperate strategically. To put it even more simply, hostility at the level of one’s small piece of land, a local territory that has received a pathetic extension called homeland. For worms, the shit is housing, for whom, and the swamp is the place of birth. But the inhabitants of one village can challenge the inhabitants of a neighboring village to a fistfight – there was such fun in Russia. In Soviet cities, it was fraught for young people to walk through a strange area. The bloody showdowns of teenage gang fights are copies of Zeref’s reflection. Here, the «protected area» is only an excuse to demonstrate the power. Before Genghis Khan’s activity, the Mongols attacked and slaughtered each other. The Merkits took Genghis Khan’s wife after the raid. Then he returned her with the help of Anda Jamukha with a «Merkit gift,» so his first son Jochi was always called that behind his back.

      In the middle of the 6th century, the Turkits passed these steppes in ten years simply because the whole steppe was a sparsely populated territory. This is a territory drained of simple living conditions. No one needs it except nomads (without the arrival of any civilizers, other people can populate no steppes, and the people who lead a nomadic economy will never refuse to do something else: they will be stubborn, they will run the old economy – they will remain in exactly the in a same number of the warriors – combatant. Without the arrival of «colonialists,» the men with a culture of trade, the traditional people cannot grow from the past conventional world in any way because new technologies are needed, especially new thinking and the ability to strategic cooperation. Therefore, all reformers apply radical measures of «re-education». Nomadic people, especially the tribal elite of nomads, will never abandon the «wills of their ancestors.») One skirmish with the Eftalites was enough for turkeys to disperse the other tribes into corners.

      Ten years later, the Turkits began fighting over the inheritance because tribal thinking is the eternal ambition of the discontented (The first to rise was the rootless Apa Khan Temeren, the rootless son of a concubine. It was only with the help of the Chinese that the uprising was suppressed). But by 603, the Turkic ale, the empire of the Turks, had been divided into Western and Eastern khaganates. In 744, the Eastern Khaganate fell under the onslaught of the Uighurs. How long, it turns out, did the Turks dominate? Almost 200 years. But the Uighurs themselves already spoke the Turkic language. And the entire Iranian Maveronnahr spoke the Turkic language. Deep cultural reforms have taken place over 200 years. (Before the Tokugawa Shogunate, the ancient inhabitants of Hokkaido, the Ainu had a European appearance. Tokugawa Izyasu ordered the Ainu to be settled throughout Japan. Modern Ainu looks no different from the Japanese. But the residents of Bukhara, Khorezm, and Samarkand still resemble Iranians. But they speak the Turkic language because the inhabitants of the Chagatai ulus were not forcibly resettled anywhere, and the Mongols were not imported.

      Interestingly, most modern Kyrgyz have Aryan R1a but look like Mongols. Did the ancient Iranians marry Mongolian women? When did this happen? This is not a question on our topic)

      PS. When I ask a Kazakh to take my book, do I have nothing to do? No, I have something to show. I need to show Kazakh ambitions. Even the poorest, most insignificant Kazakh has them. I need to indicate an inability to cooperate strategically. Kazakhs are solidifying so far at the family level. Even in business, the first thought of a Kazakh is to please his family and himself, to show success to his relatives. Hence, all the show-offs. None of the «guests» notice the friendship of the Kazakhs. And they use it well. For Kazakhs, disassembly among themselves is more important. When a dignitary Kazakh is in power and has access to a feeder, he will not greet a dissident. When a dignitary Kazakh is removed from office, he even hugs you. But if the Kazakh is brought back to power again, he will similarly behave arrogantly, again pretending that he does not know you – no matter what happens.

      Chapter 11

      The strength of blood and the weakness of strength

      The inability to strategic cooperation pursued all the peoples of the blood, including those who lived up to world democracy, or with the most extreme new hypocrisy like of the folks of money. There were moments when the peoples of blood, especially in the form of nomads, created world history. As a rule, nature was to blame for everything. (When the people of the blood are well, that is, satisfying, they are incapable of anything. Just about this time, the talkers of modernity like to rant: nomads, they say, contemplators of nature, such total democrats, who do not offend any divine creature. No. Just the nomads were fierce beasts. They even hated each other – raided, robbed, killed. Ashin’s men beat the Yuejas. Yuezhi renounced and turned into Chateau Turks, that is, Oguzes. The Oguzes engaged in the genocide of the same Oguzes, known in Russia as the Pechenegs. Another tribe of Turks, from the abandoned tribes, under the name of Cumans -Cumans, engaged in the genocide of the Pechenegs until they were utterly overtaken and destroyed. After the Pechenegs, it was the turn of the Cumans – Kipchaks themselves.

      The Mongols (apparently also Turks) of Genghis Khan drove the Kipchaks to Pannonia. There are thousands of such examples. Everywhere, even in Eurasia, even in South and North America, and even in modern Africa, there is always some Bhutus who cut Tutsis). And this is always explained by the inability of the peoples of the blood to coexist otherwise than by blood. (The Romans could not defend themselves from the hordes of Attila; too large an area would have to be fenced off like the Great Wall of China. But all de against the Picts they built their ramparts in Britain). And if peoples live by blood, that is, by kinship, then they are a priori not capable of a long peace, according to Revcon, it means strategic cooperation (even easier, such people do not trust, dislike, compete, and envy).

      Civilization adjusts this communication as a derivative of a long history and an extended policy. People of blood live quietly and peacefully for the time being. Civilizational mechanisms restrict tribal people from conflicts and inhibit them from genetic outbreaks – these people seem to be floating in the mainstream of events with their hands tied. But people of blood and kinship still do not want to cooperate; they prefer to communicate with relatives and not only perform rituals, including at the highest level – at the state level. You should understand that if people remember their families, it means they are incapable of state management; that is, they will not pick up talents; they will pick up the most talented relatives, and this narrows the base of the nation (let’s call a similar illusion floating in the channel that way because there are no other names. They’ll tell me, are we the only ones? Yes, you’re right. You are not alone; many similar peoples

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