Astrology and Science. Margarita Referee

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Astrology and Science - Margarita Referee

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      The New Age wave was so powerful and all-consuming in the West that scientists sounded the alarm in the mid-1970s. In 1975, The Humanist magazine published a letter signed by 186 scholars in which they criticized astrology in a typical pseudo-skeptic, authoritarian way.

      Three years after the publication of this letter, the American philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend published the book “Science in a Free Society”, wherein one of the chapters he analyzed in detail the statement of 186 scientists, denouncing them in, to put it mildly, dubious methodological grounds for their criticism of astrology.35

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      Рефери, МиД (September 15, 2013). “Верит ли в астрологию человек 21 века?” [Does a person of the 21st century believe in astrology?]. Альфа Любви. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


      “Most people believe in life after deat



Рефери, МиД (September 15, 2013). “Верит ли в астрологию человек 21 века?” [Does a person of the 21st century believe in astrology?]. Альфа Любви. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


“Most people believe in life after death, study finds”. The Telegraph. April 13, 2009. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


"Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understandingy”. Science and engineering indicators 2004. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=




"We believe in God, UFOs and astrology”. Herald Sun. December 19, 2009. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


“Вера россиян в приметы, вещие сны и астрологию снижается – опрос" [Russians' faith in omens, prophetic dreams and astrology is declining – survey]. Интерфакс. March 17, 2013. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


Рабинович, В. Л.Астрология” [Astrology]. Энциклопедия эпистемологии и философии науки [Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science]. «Канон"1"» РООИ «Реабилитация», 2009, pp.76-77.


"Most people believe in life after death, study finds”. The Telegraph. April 13, 2009. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


Куртик, Г. Е.; Кобзев, А. И.; et al. “Астрология” [Astrology]. Большая российская энциклопедия. Том 2 [The Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 2]. Москва, 2005, pp.404-408.


Rabin, Sheila (2005). “Copernicus”. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (summer 2005 edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).


Ptolemy, Claudius (1964) [1940]. “Introduction”. Tetrabiblos. Loeb Classical Library edition, translated by F.E.Robbins PhD. London: William Heinemann. URL=*.html


Sachiko Kusukawa (1999). “Copernicus's Book”. The Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Cambridge. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


Куталёв, Д. “Исторические гороскопы: Первый ученик Коперника” [Historical Horoscopes: The First Disciple of Copernicus]. ARGO. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


Rutkin, H. D. “Galileo, Astrology, and the Scientific Revolution: Another Look”. Program in History & Philosophy of Science & Technology, Stanford University. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=


See, for example, Hübner, W. “The Culture of Astrology from Ancient to Renaissance”. A Companion to Astrology in the Renaissance. Brill, 2004, p.58.


Kollerstrom, N. “Galileo’s Astrology”. Largo Campo di Filosofare Eurosymposium Galileo 2001. Ed Montesinos and Solis, 2001. pp.421-432. Retrieved November 28, 2021. URL=




In this book, Kepler outlined his reaction to the dispute between the detractor and the defender of astrology, taking a third party. Hence the title of his work.


Kenneth G. Negus. “Kepler's Astrology (Excerpts selected and translated)”. Retrieved November 15, 2021. URL=




Lives of eminent persons; consisting of Galileo, Kepler. 1833, p.51.

Rev. William R. Williams. The Bible Question Decided in a Correspondence. 1852, p.51.

Walter William Bryant. Kepler. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1920, p.54.


Caspar, Max; Hellman, Clarisse Doris. Kepler. Courier Dover Publications, 1993, p.349.


Die Astrologie des Johannes Kepler. Quoted by Lewis, James R. The astrology book: the encyclopedia of heavenly influences. Visible

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Feyerabend, P. “The Strange Case of Astrology”. Science in a Free Society. London, NLB, 1978, pp.91-96.