Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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desrobe', trop de foy en cuisine.

      10-17 La royne Ergaste voiant sa fille blesme,

      Par vn regret dan s l'estomach encloz:

      Crys lamentables ser on t lors d'Angolesme,

      Et au germain mariage fort clos.

      10-18 Le ranc Lorrain fera pla ce a` Vendosme,

      Le hault mys bas & le bas mys en hault,

      Le filz de Hamon sera esleu dans Rome,

      Et les deux grands seront mys en deffault .

      A little further, in quatrain 10-21, the word “ res + pa + nd + ue ” is perfectly collected.

      10-21 Pa r le despit du Roy soustenant moi nd re,

      Sera meurdry luy pre res entant les bag ue s…

      Well, the consideration of the last quatrain of the eighth Centuria has been completed. Another stage has been passed in the ability to comprehend the Nostradamus cryptography. I think that the full depth of his cunning, wit and thought cannot be achieved in principle, but you can get closer and partly touch it without putting a bold dot at the end, because later it will still turn into a great ellipsis.


      In support of their reasoning on this endless topic – further reading. Describing the events of the eighth century, I paid very little attention to the numerical components of the "divine verbs" – words. I think one could get the impression that at this stage Nostradamus moved away from these procedures.

      Of course not. It was I who began to search more for other keys, but I also tried to follow the ranks of words, and as we approach the end of the Centuries, they become higher and higher.

      So – some numerical patterns that remained earlier behind the lines of description of the quatrains of the eighth Centuria. First case from _ quatrain 8-25.

      8-25 Coeur(11) de l'amant(2) ouuert d'amour(3) fertiue(1)

      Dans le ruysseau fera rauyr la Dame(17),

      Le demy mal contrefera lassiue,

      Le pere a` deux priuera corps( 10) de l'ame(7).

      A lover's heart is opened by secret love

      In the stream will delight the lady,

      Half of the grief will be faked by the lustful,

      The father of both will separate the body from the soul.

      Here I have given the current numerical values of individual significant words of this quatrain. I draw your attention: the sum of the ranks of the words of the first line is 17, like that of the “lady” from the second, i.e., “lover” reaches her, to her rank only with the help of “heart” and “secret love”. Daddy, having learned about this, will cut everyone into two parts: into a body – with a rank of 10, and a soul – with a rank of 7. This is such a terrible story.

      The second possible numerical regularity. In quatrain 8-70 there is this line:

      8-70 … Tous amys(9) fait d'adulterine(1) d'ame(8)…

      … Produced by all friends from the adultery of the soul …

      Here is the same situation, 8+1=9.

      The numbers are small, then there will be more. Quatrain 8-87. Race of death and blood.

       8-87 Mort(83) conspiree viendra en plein effect,

      Charge donnee & voiage de mort(84), Esleu, cree' receu par siens deffait. Sang(83) d'innocence deuant foy par remort.

      Death conceived will come in all completeness ,

      The commission is given and – the journey of death,

      Chosen, created, accepted, defeated by his own.

      The blood of the innocent before faith is a reproach.

      “Death” came to this quatrain in the value of 83, traveled to the value of 84. “Blood” (83) is nervously watching all this. Such secret events take place, hidden from prying eyes.


      Each theme, of course, is strictly individual, and therefore the brightness of ideas is different for all of them. The next one, in my opinion, is blindingly bright.

      9-2 Du hault du mont Authentic voix ouye ,

      Vuydez vuydez de tous les deux costez :

      Du sang des Rouges sera l' ire _ assomye ,

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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