Manual of comparative linguistics. Alexander Akulov

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Manual of comparative linguistics - Alexander Akulov

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      Also nobody actually cares that sometimes certain lexemes can look alike just by coincidence: the shorter certain lexeme is the more is probability that it can look alike some random lexemes of other languages.


      Megalocomparison is term invented by J. Matisoff (Matisoff 1990) specially to denote attempts to prove distant genetic relationship basing on comparison of lexis, i.e.: attempts to prove genetic relationship of certain languages in Greenberg style of so called “mass comparison”.


      Buyeo stock is still a hypothetical stock that includes Japanese, Korean and Okinawan languages (Buyeo stock is discussed in chapter 5.2)


      In this text I intentially use term stock instead of term family that is used in such context usually; languages are not self-replicating systems like biological systems, so I think any biological analogies should be avoided.


      Waikuri is an extinct language that existed in Southern part of Baja California. Hokan stock is a hypothetical stock of a dozen small language families that were spoken mainly in California, Arizona and Baja California (pic. 1).


      Due to “completely isolat



Also nobody actually cares that sometimes certain lexemes can look alike just by coincidence: the shorter certain lexeme is the more is probability that it can look alike some random lexemes of other languages.


Megalocomparison is term invented by J. Matisoff (Matisoff 1990) specially to denote attempts to prove distant genetic relationship basing on comparison of lexis, i.e.: attempts to prove genetic relationship of certain languages in Greenberg style of so called “mass comparison”.


Buyeo stock is still a hypothetical stock that includes Japanese, Korean and Okinawan languages (Buyeo stock is discussed in chapter 5.2)


In this text I intentially use term stock instead of term family that is used in such context usually; languages are not self-replicating systems like biological systems, so I think any biological analogies should be avoided.


Waikuri is an extinct language that existed in Southern part of Baja California. Hokan stock is a hypothetical stock of a dozen small language families that were spoken mainly in California, Arizona and Baja California (pic. 1).


Due to “completely isolated” position among languages of the world Ainu is especially attractive material for perfunctory and amateurish hypotheses.


This type of linear model of word form is named “American type” since it has been described mainly on the material of Native American languages (especially of North America)


This type of linear model of word form is named “Altaiс type” since this linear model has been described mainly on the material of languages of so called Altaic stock.


PAN means Proto-Austronesian; “^” is sign of grammar/structure correlation

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