Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship). Олег Федорович Шахов

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Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship) - Олег Федорович Шахов

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competencies was considered for a long time only in the context of the educational process and the need to revise educational programs.

      In turn, competency is "a group of interrelated behavioral actions, which, when they are manifested by the candidate and considered by the observer, characterize competence in a specific aspect of the work performed"[5]. The concept of competence is broader than competency because the latter is included in its composition as the ability of the individual to carry out effective professional activities, using knowledge and skills in practice. The components of competency are presented in Fig. 1.

      Figure 1

      Competency components[6]

      It should be noted that the specialists of any scope of activity must possess general competence (a person's ability for analysis, synthesis, general knowledge, the ability for independent learning, collaboration and communication, commitment, leadership, organized nature, and ability to plan[7]

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      S. V. Kolyadenko, “Cifrovaya ekonomika: predposylki i etapy stanovleniya”, Economy. Finance. Management, num 6 (2016): 106.


      G. T. Karcheva, “Cifrovaya ekonomika i ee vliyanie na razvitie nacional'noj i mezhdunarodnoj ekonomiki”, Financial Space, num 3e Vol: 27 (2017): 14.


      L. V. Lapidus, Cifrovaya ekonomika: trendy i perspektivy avangardnogo haraktera razvitiya (Moscow: INFRA-M, 2018), 1



S. V. Kolyadenko, “Cifrovaya ekonomika: predposylki i etapy stanovleniya”, Economy. Finance. Management, num 6 (2016): 106.


G. T. Karcheva, “Cifrovaya ekonomika i ee vliyanie na razvitie nacional'noj i mezhdunarodnoj ekonomiki”, Financial Space, num 3e Vol: 27 (2017): 14.


L. V. Lapidus, Cifrovaya ekonomika: trendy i perspektivy avangardnogo haraktera razvitiya (Moscow: INFRA-M, 2018), 18.


What is the digital economy? Unicorns, transformation and the internet of things. Retrieved 01.08.2019 from


A. I. Kondratenko, “Teoreticheskie aspekty postroeniya modeli kompetencij personala”, Alleya Nauki, num 1 Vol: 17 (2018): 264.


E. V. Sleptsova and M.Yu. Tumanova, “Upravlenie kompetenciyami v sisteme upravleniya personalom”, The Economics of Sustainable Development, num 3 Vol: 35 (2018): 293.


O. K. Chulanova, Upravlenie personalom na osnove kompetencij (Moscow: NITS INFRA-M, 2018), 75.

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A. I. Kondratenko, “Teoreticheskie aspekty postroeniya modeli kompetencij personala”, Alleya Nauki, num 1 Vol: 17 (2018): 264.


E. V. Sleptsova and M.Yu. Tumanova, “Upravlenie kompetenciyami v sisteme upravleniya personalom”, The Economics of Sustainable Development, num 3 Vol: 35 (2018): 293.


O. K. Chulanova, Upravlenie personalom na osnove kompetencij (Moscow: NITS INFRA-M, 2018), 75.