Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies. Irina Apraksina

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Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies - Irina Apraksina

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certain rituals and training. This is a way to preserve and transfer knowledge within the tradition. It is important to note that magical symbols and their meaning can vary greatly depending on magical tradition, culture and practice. Some magicians may use standard symbols such as the pentagram or ankh, while others develop their own symbols and systems for their own unique purposes. Magical symbols play an important role in Voodoo magic practices. They are used for rituals, rituals, communication with spirits (loa) and the direction of magical influences.


      Magical signs, symbols and symbolism play an important role in various magical practices around the world. They are important for several reasons. Connection with energy and archetypes: Magical signs and symbols are often associated with certain energy fields and archetypes. They can serve as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious, allowing the magician to access certain forces and energies. The use of magical symbols can help focus the magician’s attention on a specific goal or intention. The symbol becomes a focal point through which the magician can channel his magical energy. In magical systems such as runes, zodiac symbols, or voodoo veves, symbols serve as a means of communication with spirits, gods, or other magical powers. They help the magician convey his intentions and requests at higher levels.

      The symbols can be charged with magical energy and used to create amulets, amulets or talismans. These items can then be worn or placed in certain places to attract certain energies.

      Magical signs and symbols can be incorporated into various rituals and rituals to enhance magical work. They serve as handles that the magician uses to control and direct energy. And in some magical traditions, symbols have a hidden meaning that is available only to those who have undergone certain rituals and training. This is a way to preserve and transfer knowledge within the tradition. It is very important to understand and know these magical symbols.

      Creating a Pentagram in Voodoo Magic

      The pentagram is a five-pointed star, which can be depicted both inside the circle and without it. The appearance may vary depending on the magic system and the preferences of the magician. It is important to keep the shape and symmetry consistent in order to achieve maximum efficiency. Materials: a sheet of paper or a piece of parchment, a black marker or ink, a candle (preferably black or white), an amulet or a stone (optional). Before you start drawing a pentagram, set a clear defense intent. Focus on what you want to protect: yourself, your home, your family, and so on. Start by drawing a circle around a piece of paper or parchment. This circle represents protection and limitation of negative energy. Then draw a five-pointed star (pentagram) inside the circle. Start from one of the vertices and move clockwise. Draw the lines so that you get a star. When you finish drawing the pentagram, hold the sheet in front of the candle and visualize how the symbol fills with light and energy, protecting you from negative influences. You can also say words or prayers for protection, if this is consistent with your practice. Charge the pentagram (optional). If you have an amulet or a stone, you can place a pentagram next to it to charge it with protective energy. Pick up the amulet or stone and focus on the intention of protection, imagining how the energy of the pentagram passes into this object. Place the pentagram in a prominent place. Place the hand-drawn pentagram in a place where it will be visible to you so that it reminds you of protection. You can also wear an amulet with a pentagram around your neck or as a bracelet. It is important to remember that magical practices are based on beliefs and symbolism, and their effectiveness may depend on your faith and conviction. Symbols and rituals can have a strong psychological impact and help you feel protected.

      Chapter 3. Magical Tools of Voodoo Magic

      In Voodoo Magic, in addition to magical symbols and pentagrams, there are many magical signs, tools, each of which has its own type, purpose and symbolic meaning, especially in Voodoo magic. Below are some of the most common magical tools and amulets, their appearance and purpose:

      Vevey (Vèvè): Veves are symbolic drawings or graphic images that are used to invoke and connect with specific spirits or gods. They are usually painted on the ground, altar, or other surfaces using dry powders or liquids. Veves are unique symbols for each spirit and have certain meanings and properties. We will visit an entire chapter below this concept, it is so important in Voodoo magic.

      Gris-gris: Gris-gris are small cloth pouches or amulets filled with various magical ingredients such as herbs, stones, metals or other objects. They are created for various purposes, including protection, attracting good luck, healing or driving away negative energies. Next, we will focus on this in great detail.

      Medical Bags are amulets that are carried with you for treatment and protection. They usually contain herbs, stones, and other items that have healing properties. Medical bags can be worn around the neck, on the wrist or in a pocket and used as talismans to maintain physical and spiritual health.

      Ritual Knives are used for various magical activities, including rituals of cutting and harvesting plants, symbolic actions, or it can be used for initiation rites or worship ceremonies and the preparation of sacrifices. They can have a special shape and decorations that indicate their magical purpose and connection with certain spirits. Voodoo ritual knives often have unique designs, decorations, and symbols. They can be made of a variety of materials, including metal, wood or bone. A sharp blade is usually present on a ritual knife, reflecting its role as a tool for various magical actions. Many Voodoo ritual knives can be decorated with specific symbols, including veves (symbolic drawings), images of loa (spirits), as well as magical symbols and runes.

      Amulets and talismans: Amulets and talismans can be made of metal, wood, bone or other materials and are worn as protective symbols. Their shape and decorations may vary, but they usually serve to reflect negative energies and attract positive ones. We will focus on this very briefly here, but later in the book a very large place is given to this.

      Magic wands (Wand) are tools used to channel and enhance magical energy during rituals and spells. In Voodoo magic, magic wands can be used to communicate with spirits (Loa), perform worship ceremonies and rituals, as well as for magical manipulations such as channeling energy, creating protective barriers, etc. Individual magic wands can be charged for specific purposes such as healing, protection, attracting good luck or love. Voodoo magic wands can be made of wood, metal, glass, and even crystals. Each material can give the wand its own special properties and energy. The design of a magic wand may include decorations, symbols, runes, stones, feathers, or other items that correspond to the purpose and intentions of the magician.

      Bottles and Witchcraft Jars: Bottles and witchcraft jars can be made of different materials such as glass, plastic or wood. It is important that they are clean and have no odors or residues that could affect the magical work. Their appearance can be decorated in various ways, including drawings, symbols, texts, or other decorations. These decorations may be related to the purposes of magical work. Voodoo often uses special bottles and magic jars to create amulets and attract desired energies. They can be filled with various objects such as copper wires, nails, herbs and other materials that correspond to the specific purposes of the ritual.

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