Секс в эпоху согласия. Кэтрин Энджел
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Слатшейминг (от англ. slut – шлюха, shame – стыдить) – критика людей, преимущественно девушек и женщин, которые воспринимаются как нарушающие ожидания общества относительно сексуальности. Подразумевает, как правило, осуждение добрачного, случайного или промискуитетного секса, работы в сфере секс-услуг, слишком сексуального, провокативного внешнего вида и т. п. – Прим. ред.
Деятельность Meta Platforms Inc. (в том числе по реализации соцсетей Facebook и Instagram) запрещена в Российской Федерации как экстремистская.
Ар Келли – американский музыкант, певец, обладатель трех премий «Грэмми». В 2021 г. признан виновным в многочисленных сексуальных преступлениях, приговорен к 30 годам тюремного заключения. – Прим. ред.
. 'The Adam and Dr. Drew Show', April 12, 2017, episode 558, adamanddrdrewshow.com.
Conor Gallagher, 'Belfast Rape Trial Told Messages Were "Nothing but a Titillating Sideshow"', Irish Times, 21 March 2018, irishtimes.com.
Tanya Serisier, Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics (Palgrave, 2018).
Rebecca Epstein, Jamilia L. Blake, Thalia González, Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls' Childhood, The Centre on Poverty and Inequality, Georgetown Law, law.georgetown.edu.
Gary D. LaFree, 'The Effect of Sexual Stratification by Race on Official Reactions to Rape', American Sociological Review, 1980, 45, 842–54.
Lisa Damour, 'Getting "Consent" for Sex Is Too Low a Bar', New York Times, 18 July 2018, nytimes.com.
BBC Radio 4, 'The New Age of Consent', September 2018, bbc.co.uk.
Gigi Engle, 'Anal Sex: Safety, How Tos, Tips, and More', Teen Vogue, 12 November 2019, teenvogue.com.
Joseph J. Fischel, Screw Consent: A Better Politics of Sexual Justice (University of California Press, 2019) p. 2.
Rachel Kramer Bussel 'Beyond Yes or No: Consent as Sexual Process' in Yes Means Yes! Visions of Female Power and a World Without Rape, Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti (eds.) (Seal Press, 2008), p. 46.
Julia Turner, '"I Feel So Close To You All": Harvey Weinstein's Accusers in Conversation for the First Time', Slate, 21 November 2017, slate.com. 13.
Tom Hays, Michael R. Sisak, Jennifer Peltz, '"If He Heard the Word 'No', It Was Like a Trigger for Him', Says Harvey Weinstein Rape Accuser', CBC News, 31 January 2020, cbc.ca.
Helena Kennedy, Eve Was Shamed: How British Justice is Failing Women (Chatto & Windus), p. 122–3.
Kennedy, p. 138.
Marie O'Halloran, 'TD Holds Up Thong in Dáil in Protest at Cork Rape Trial Comments', Irish Times, 13 November 2018, irishtimes.com.
Sirin Kale, 'How an Athlete Used His Alleged Victim's Sexual History in His Rape Acquittal', Vice, 17 October 2016. Также Helena Kennedy, Eve Was Shamed, p. 139, and Clare McGlynn, 'Rape Trials and Sexual History Evidence: Reforming the Law on Third-Party Evidence', The Journal of Criminal Law, 2017, 81(5), 367–92.
Meg-John Barker, Rosalind Gill, Laura Harvey, Mediated Intimacy: Sex Advice in Media Culture (Polity, 2018).
Katherine Angel, Unmastered: A Book on Desire, Most Difficult to Tell (Allen Lane, Penguin, 2012) (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013).