Когда падали стены… Переустройство мира после 1989 года. Кристина Шпор
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О драматических, революционных событиях 1989 г. написано очень много. См., например: Victor Sebestyen. Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire. Pantheon, 2009; Michael Meyer. 1989: The Year That Changed the World – The Untold Story Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Simon & Schuster 2009; Ludger Kühnhardt. Revolutionszeiten: Das Umbruchsjahr 1989 im geschichtlichen Zusammenhang Olzog 1995. О 1989 годе как продукте социальной революции и «власти народа» см., например: Padraic Kenney. A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989. Princeton UP, 2003; Charles A. Maier. Dissolution: The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany. Princeton UP, 1997; Konrad H. Jarausch & Martin Sabrow (eds). Weg in den Untergang: Der innere Zerfall der DDR. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999. Сравни: Adam Roberts & Timothy Garton Ash (eds). Civil Resistance 5 and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-Violent Action from Gandhi to the Present. Oxford UP, 2009; April Carter. People Power and Political Change: Key Issues and Concepts. Routledge, 2012. О 1989 годе как результате «реформ сверху», совершенных национальными коммунистическими элитами с одобрения Михаила Горбачева, см., например: Stephen Kotkin with Jan T. Gross. Uncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist Establishment. Modern Library, 2009; Constantine Pleshakov. There Is No Freedom without Bread: 1989 and the Civil War that Brought Down Communism. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2009; Gordon M. Hahn. Russia’s Revolution from Above, 1985–2000: Reform, Transition and Revolution in the Fall of the Soviet Communist Regime. Taylor & Francis, 2002; Jacques Lévesque. The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe. Univ. of California Press, 1997.
Francis Fukuyama. ‘The End of History?’ The National Interest no. 16 (Summer 1989). Pp. 3–18; idem. The End of History and the Last Man. Hamilton, 1992. О «пост-1989 оптимизме» см.: Thomas Bagger. ‘The World According to Germany: Reassessing 1989’. Washington Quarterly 41, 4 (Winter 2019). Pp. 53–63.
Ср., например: George Lawson et al. (eds) The Global 1989: Continuity and Change in World Politics. Cambridge UP 2010; Richard K. Herrmann & Richard Ned Lebow (eds). Ending the Cold War: Interpretations, Causation and the Study of International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004; Bernhard Blumenau et al. (eds) New Perspectives on the End of the Cold War: Unexpected Transformations? Routledge, 2018.
Их мемуары и автобиографии, а также ключевые биографии, см., например: Mikhail S. Gorbachev. Memoirs. Bantam 1997; idem, Wie es war. Ullstein 1999 [Издание на рус. яз.: Горбачев М.С. Жизнь и реформы: в 2-х книгах. Москва, АПН, 1995]; William Taubman Gorbachev: His Life and Times W. W. Norton 2017 [Таубман У. Горбачев: его жизнь и время / Пер. с англ. М.: Международные отношения, 2017]; Archie Brown. The Gorbachev Factor. Oxford UP, 1996; George Bush & Brent Scowcroft. A World Transformed. Vintage Books, 1998; George Bush. All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings. Scribner, 2013; Jon Meacham. Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush. Random House, 2015; Timothy Naftali. George H. W. Bush. Times Books, 2007; Helmut Kohl with Kai Diekmann. Ich wollte Deutschlands Einheit. Ullstein, 1996; idem, Vom Mauerfall zur Wiedervereinigung: Meine Erinnerungen. Knaur-Taschenbuch, 2009; idem, Erinnerungen 1982–1990. Droemer 2005; idem, Erinnerungen 1990–1994. Droemer, 2007; Hans-Peter Schwarz. Helmut Kohl: Eine politische Biographie. Pantheon, 2014.
Eduard Shevardnadze. The Future Belongs to Freedom. Sinclair-Stevenson 1991 [Шеварднадзе Э.А. Мой выбор: В защиту демократии и свободы. М.: Новости, 1991]; James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1995; Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Erinnerungen. Siedler, 1995; idem. Unterwegs zur Einheit: Reden und Dokumente aus bewegter Zeit. Siedler 1991; Gerhard A. Ritter. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, das Auswärtige Amt und die deutsche Vereinigung. Beck, 2013.
Margaret Thatcher. The Downing Street Years. HarperCollins, 1993; George R. Urban Diplomacy and Disillusion at the Court of Margaret Thatcher: An Insider’s View. I. B. Tauris, 1995; François Mitterrand. Über Deutschland. Insel 1996; Pierre Favier & Michel Martin-Roland. La Décennie Mitterrand, vol. iv: Les Déchirements (1992–1995). Seuil, 1999.
См., например: Frédéric Bozo et al. (eds) Europe and the End of the Cold War: A Reappraisal. Routledge, 2008; Harold James. Making the European Monetary Union. Harvard UP, 2012; Kenneth Dyson & Kevin Featherstone. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. Oxford UP, 1999; Werner Rouget & Joachim Bitterlich. Schwierige Nachbarschaft am Rhein: Frankreich–Deutschland. Bouvier, 1998.
Об открытых китайских документах, относящихся к принятию решений в Пекине в связи с протестами и их подавлением в мае и июне 1989 г., до сих пор вызывающих много споров в том, что касается их «достоверности», см.: Zhang Liang et al. (eds) The Tiananmen Papers: The Chinese Leadership’s Decision to Use Force against Their Own People – In Their Own Words. Little, Brown, 2001; and Andrew J. Nathan ‘The Tiananmen Papers’ Foreign Affairs 80, 1 (January/ February 2001) pp. 2–50. Комментарии по поводу этих источников см.: Lowell Dittmer. ‘Review of The Tiananmen Papers’. China Quarterly 166 (June 2001). Pp. 476–483; Alfred L. Chan. ‘The Tiananmen Papers Revisited’. China Quarterly 177 (March 2004). Pp. 190–205; Andrew J. Nathan. A Rejoinder to Alfred L. Chan’. China Quarterly 177 (March 2004). Pp. 206–214; Richard Baum. ‘Tiananmen – The Inside Story?’ China Journal 46 (July 2001). Pp. 119–123. См. также: Andrew J. Nathan. ‘The New Tiananmen Papers: Inside the Secret