The Virgin’s Lover. Philippa Gregory
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He thought for a moment, for only a moment, that he might have done better to have supported Henry Hastings as the best Protestant claimant for the throne, since the Pope would surely not have dared to summon a rebellion against a king. He thought for another moment that perhaps he should have urged Elizabeth to accept the raising of the Host, to have kept the church in England as Papist for a year or so, to ease the transition of Reform.
He gritted his teeth. What was done had been done, and they would all have to live with their mistakes, and some would die for them. He was fairly certain that Elizabeth would die, to name only one. He clasped his hands together until they were steady again, and then started to plan ways to try to ensure that an assassin did not reach Elizabeth at court, when she was out hunting, when she was on the river, when she was visiting.
It was a nightmare task. Cecil stayed up all night writing lists of men he could trust, preparing plans to see her guarded, and knew at the end that if the Catholics of England obeyed the Pope, as they must do, then Elizabeth was a dead woman, and all that Cecil could do for her was to delay her funeral.
Amy Dudley had no letter from her husband to invite her to court, not even one to tell her where she should go. Instead she received a very pleasant invitation from his cousins at Bury St Edmunds.
‘See? He has sent for me!’ she said delightedly to her stepmother. ‘I told you that he would send for me, as soon as he was able to do so. I must leave as soon as his men arrive to escort me.’
‘I am so happy for you,’ Lady Robsart said. ‘Did he send any money?’
Robert’s work, as Master of the Queen’s Horse, was to order her horses, to run the royal stables, to care for the health and welfare of every animal from the great hunters to the lowliest pack animals of the baggage train. Visiting noblemen, with their hundreds of men in livery, had to have their horses accommodated in the stables, guests of the queen had to be supplied with horses so that they could ride out with her. Ladies of her court had to have sweet-tempered palfreys. The queen’s champions had to stable their warhorses for jousting tournaments. The hounds for the hunt came under his jurisdiction, the falcons for falconry, the hawks for hawking, the leather and harness, the wagons and carts for the enormous royal progresses from one castle to another, the orders and delivery of hay and feed, all were the responsibility of Sir Robert.
— So why then — Cecil asked himself — did the man have so much time on his hands? Why was he forever at the queen’s side? Since when was Robert Dudley interested in the coin of the realm and the deteriorating value? —
‘We have to mint new coins,’ Sir Robert announced. He had inserted himself into the queen’s morning conference with her advisor by the simple technique of bringing a sprig of greening leaves and laying them on her state papers. — As if he had gone a-Maying — Cecil thought bitterly. Elizabeth had smiled and made a gesture that he might stay, and now he was joining the conference.
‘The smaller coins are shaved and spoiled till they are almost worthless.’
Cecil did not reply. This much was self-evident. Sir Thomas Gresham in his huge mercantile house at Antwerp had been studying the problem for years as his own business fluctuated catastrophically with the unreliable value of English coin, and as his loan business to the monarchs of England became more and more precarious. — But now apparently, far superior to Gresham’s opinions, we are to be blessed with the insights of Sir Robert Dudley. —
‘We have to call in the old coins and replace them with full-weight good coins.’
The queen looked worried. ‘But the old coins have been so clipped and shaved that we will not get half our gold back.’
‘It has to be done,’ Dudley declared. ‘No-one knows the value of a penny, no-one trusts the value of a groat. If you try to collect an old debt, as I have done, you find that you are repaid in coins that are half the value of your original loan. When our merchants go abroad to pay for their purchases, they have to stand by while the foreign traders bring out scales to weigh the coins and laugh at them. They don’t even bother to look at the value stamped on the face; they only buy by weight. No-one trusts English coin any more. And the greatest danger is that if we issue new coins, of full value gold, then they are just treated as bad, we gain nothing unless we call all the old ones in first. Otherwise we throw our wealth away.’
Elizabeth turned to Cecil.
‘He is right,’ he conceded unwillingly. ‘This is just as Sir Thomas Gresham believes.’
‘Bad coin drives out good,’ Sir Robert ruled.
There was something about the ring of his tone that attracted Cecil’s attention. ‘I did not know you had studied mercantile matters,’ he remarked gently.
Only Cecil could have seen the swiftly hidden amusement on the younger man’s face.
But only Cecil was waiting for it.
‘A good servant of the queen must consider all her needs,’ Sir Robert said calmly.
— Good God, he has intercepted Gresham’s letters to me — Cecil observed. For a moment he was so stunned by the younger man’s impertinence, to spy on the queen’s spymaster, that he could hardly speak. — He must have got hold of the messenger, copied the letter and re-sealed it. But how? And at what point on its journey from Antwerp? And if he can get hold of my letters from Gresham, what other information does he have of mine? —
‘The base drives out the good?’ the queen repeated.
Robert Dudley turned to her. ‘In coinage as in life,’ he said intimately, as if for her ears alone. ‘The lesser joys, the more ignoble pleasures, are those that take a man or a woman’s time, make demands. The finer things, true love or a spiritual life between a man and his God, these are the things that are driven out by the day to day. Don’t you think that is true?’
For a moment she looked quite entranced. ‘It is so,’ she said. ‘It is always harder to make time for the truly precious experiences, there is always the ordinary to do.’
‘To be an extraordinary queen, you have to choose,’ he said quietly. ‘You have to choose the best, every day, without compromise, without listening to your advisors, guided by your own true heart and highest ambition.’
She took a little breath and looked at him as if he could unfold the secrets of the universe, as if he were his tutor, John Dee, and could speak with angels and foretell the future.
‘I want to choose the best,’ she said.
Robert smiled. ‘I know you do. It is one of the many things that we share. We both want nothing but the best. And now we have a chance to achieve