Your Personal Horoscope 2020. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2020 - Joseph Polansky

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and altruistic kinds of causes. The other seems more involved in having fun and enjoying life.

      Siblings and Sibling figures could move this year, but it seems very complicated and could involve many delays. If they are of childbearing age they are more fertile than usual. Their marriage or current relationship will get tested. It can survive.

      Children and children figures are likely to move. Here too the move seems complicated, with many glitches and delays involved. If they are of childbearing age they seem more fertile. Grandchildren (if you have them), or people who play this role in your life, can have multiple moves this year – this is a trend over many more years too. Their domestic life seems unstable. They too are more fertile than usual (if they are of the appropriate age).

      If you’re planning renovations in the home, August 22 to September 22 would be a good time. If you’re planning to decorate and beautify the home in a cosmetic kind of way, or to buy art objects for the home, October 2 to October 28 would be a good time.

      Finance and Career

      Your money house is not a house of power this year. Only short-term planets will move through there and their effects will be short term. Generally this is a good thing. It shows a basic contentment in your finances. You have no need to make major changes or to overly focus here. But this year is different. Your financial planet, the Moon, will get eclipsed four times this year – double the usual number. Not only that, there will be two eclipses – one solar and one lunar – that occur in your money house. This guarantees many important and dramatic financial changes. You will have to make important course corrections. Your financial thinking and outlook are probably not realistic – as the events of the eclipse will show.

      The Moon is the fastest and most erratic of all the planets. Where the other fast-moving planets (the Sun, Mercury and Venus) take a year to move through the zodiac, the Moon does so every month. So there are many short-term financial trends that depend on where the Moon is and the aspects she receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports. In general (and this will be discussed) your financial power is strongest on the New and Full Moon and when the Moon is waxing (growing larger). It is also strongest when the Moon is at her perigee (her closest distance to earth). When the Moon is waning (getting smaller) is a good time to use spare cash to pay down debt.

      There is much power in your 8th house this year – it is easily the strongest in your Horoscope. Thus this is a year for either taking on or paying down debt – depending on your need. It is a year for good tax and estate planning (if you are of appropriate age). Money can come from insurance claims or tax refunds. Inheritance often happens when the 8th house is strong, but as we’ve said, hopefully no one has to actually die. You can be named in someone’s will or to some administrative position in an estate. Since the 8th house is about other people’s money, this is a year for focusing on the prosperity of others. Others’ financial interest comes before your own (although you shouldn’t neglect your own interest). The spouse, partner or current love will have a very strong financial year. He or she will be earning it – no question – but there is prosperity for the beloved. He or she will pick up the slack in your personal earnings.

      Career has been important for many years now, but this year even more so. It’s not just that your 10th house of career is strong; it is also because, as was mentioned, the upper half – the day side – of your Horoscope will be dominant all year. This makes you even more ambitious than usual.

      You were born with a sense of mission. You always had high ideals for what you wanted to accomplish in life, and now that Neptune is in your career house this sense of mission has intensified (and will continue to intensify in the coming years). Many of you have got into spiritual or charitable-type careers. Others are pursuing a worldly career but are very much involved in these activities. Just making money and being successful is not enough for you. You need to be doing something that is meaningful – something that uplifts humanity. If you are not already involved in these things, the doors will open – this year or in the coming years.

      Love and Social Life

      Love is complicated this year. (Isn’t it always? But some years more so than others.) Your love planet Jupiter spends almost all year in conservative Capricorn, your 8th house. Not only that, but Jupiter will be travelling with both Saturn and Pluto this year. So we have many messages here.

      First of all, Jupiter is not very strong in the sign of Capricorn. Astrologers say that Jupiter is in his ‘fall’ – his weakest position. So the social magnetism is not up to its usual standard. Secondly, it would show less socializing than usual. Singles will still date and attend parties, but not as much as usual. There is a need now to focus on quality rather than quantity. Fewer dates, fewer social events, but good ones are better than hosts of lukewarm ones. A marriage is not likely this year and probably not advisable. Next year will be a lot better for that. You are attracted to older people, serious people, people more settled than you. The danger here is getting involved in a relationship based on convenience rather than real love. You will have opportunities for these kinds of relationships. These aspects also show that you are slow to fall in love these days. You take things nice and slow. Anyone involved romantically with a Gemini needs to understand this.

      Jupiter in the 8th house and travelling with the ruler of the 8th house, Saturn, suggests that sexual magnetism is the main romantic appeal these days. (Jupiter is also travelling with Pluto, the generic ruler of sex, and this reinforces what we’re saying.) There’s nothing wrong with good sexual magnetism, but a solid relationship needs more than that.

      The love planet in the 8th house shows that you are attracted to money people – the good earners. Wealth is a romantic turn on. Jupiter travelling with the ruler of the 6th house would show an allurement for people in the health professions or people personally involved in your health. Often this shows an office romance. But none of these things leads to marriage – not this year anyway.

      For those working on their second marriage the prospects brighten after December 20, but marriage seems delayed. There is love in 2021. Those working on their third marriage have a quiet year. Those who are married will probably stay married, and singles will stay single.

      For those of you already in a relationship, the relationship gets some stress testing this year. Your challenge will be to keep the spark of romance alive. Things look too practical, too down-to-earth. Everyone does what they are supposed to do – everyone does their duty – but the passion seems lacking.


      Neptune, the most spiritual and most idealistic of the planets, has been in your career house for many years, and will be there for many more as we have mentioned. This is leading you to a spiritual-type career – a career that is meaningful to you. But there is another way to read this, and this will be true for many of you: it shows that your spiritual practice and spiritual growth is the real career, the real mission these days. Most of you are on a spiritual path already. But this is deepening and becoming more dynamic.

      Neptune, the generic spiritual planet, is in mystical Pisces. This would favour a mystical path wherein logic and reason are often seen as the enemy: it is the feeling that matters. While such a path – love, devotion and emotional exaltation – is certainly powerful, with Uranus now in your 12th house of spirituality you need some science and rationality to back you up. You are by nature a rational person. An intellectual. To ignore your mind will set up a conflict in your nature. The mind need not be the enemy. It can be an aid and ally on your path. It is the impurities in the mind that are the enemy.

      Uranus rules science and technology. So many of you will be applying technology to your spiritual practice,

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