Your Personal Horoscope 2020. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2020 - Joseph Polansky

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transit. This further reinforces the focus on self-absorption and independence that we mentioned earlier. It can be a benefit healthwise too – so long as you don’t overdo things.

      Eclipse activity is very much increased in the year ahead, guaranteeing a year of sudden and dramatic change. Normally there are four eclipses in a given year. This year there will be six. Normally there are two lunar eclipses in a given year, but this year there will be four. This will impact on the home, family and domestic situation. More on this later.

      Your areas of greatest focus and interest this year will be the career (all year); spirituality (all year); finance (all year); and friends, groups and group activities (from March 23 to July 2 and from December 18 onwards).

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are the career (until December 20); friends, groups and group activities (from December 20 onwards); home and family (until May 16); and children, fun and creativity (from May 16 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both perspectives were identical. But these days there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      As we mentioned above, health is an important area to watch this year. Three long-term planets are in stressful alignment with you for most of 2020. This of itself is a problem, but there will be periods where the short-term planets also join the fray and these will be your most vulnerable months. These periods are from January 1 to January 20; June 21 to July 20 (less stressful than January though); and September 22 to October 23. Make sure you take it nice and easy over those periods.

      What further complicates health is the weakness in your 6th house of health. It is, for the most part, empty, with only short-term planets moving through there. So your tendency is to ignore your health or to take it for granted. This would be a mistake. You need to force yourself – even when you don’t feel like it – to focus on health.

      The medieval astrologers (and many modern astrologers) believed in Destiny: if something is going to happen, there is nothing we can do about it. I am not in this camp. Personal experience has taught me that our free will choices can alter, or at least soften, Destiny. Destiny can show encounters with ill health, but how we choose to meet Destiny can make all the difference.

      Thus there is much that can be done to enhance the health and prevent problems from developing. Give more attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your Horoscope (the reflex points are shown in the chart below):

      Important foot reflexology points for the year ahead

      Try to massage all of the foot on a regular basis – the top of the foot as well as the bottom – but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’ as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and below them.

       The head, face and scalp. Always important for Aries, regular scalp and face massage is a wonderful preventive. It not only strengthens the particular area, but the entire body as well through reflexes there that go to the whole body. Craniosacral therapy is also excellent for this area.

       The musculature is also always important for Aries. You don’t need to be a body-builder or become muscle bound; you only need good muscle tone. Weak or flabby muscles can knock the spine and bones out of alignment and this will cause all kinds of other problems. So, vigorous physical exercise is important – according to your age and stage in life.

       The adrenals. The important thing here (as our regular readers know) is to avoid anger and fear – the two emotions that stress the adrenals. Meditation is a great help for this.

       The lungs, arms, shoulders, small intestine and respiratory system. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged. Tension tends to collect in the shoulders and needs to be released.

       The heart has only become important for Aries since Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in 2008, although it has become increasingly important over the past two years. The main thing with the heart is to avoid worry and anxiety, the two emotions that stress it out. Replace worry with faith.

      Since health problems, if they happen (God forbid) would most likely begin here, keeping these areas healthy and fit is sound preventive medicine.

      Since your health planet Mercury is a fast-moving (and erratic) planet, there are many short-term trends in health depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Here we see another of the wonderful contradictions in a Horoscope. On the one hand, your 4th house of home and family is basically empty. Only short-term planets will move through there in the year ahead. This tends to the status quo and, taken by itself, it shows a contentment with things as they are. But – and this is a big ‘but’ – we will have, as we have mentioned, four lunar eclipses this year, twice as many as usual. Since the Moon is your family planet this indicates that there will be many changes, upheavals and crises in the family and perhaps the home. The status quo will be shaken up. Also keep in mind that two of the six eclipses this year (two solar and four lunar) will actually occur in your 4th house – the lunar eclipse of January 10 and the solar eclipse of June 21. So there is a lot of cosmic action going on.

      As is the way with these things, in contrast your 10th house of career is chock-full of planets – overwhelmingly stronger than your 4th house. And this can be part of the problem. You are so focused on your career and outer objectives that you might be ignoring things at home. The eclipses will remind you – in ways you can’t avoid – to give more attention to the family.

      So there will be dramas – often life-changing – in the lives of family members and parents or parent figures. Moves could happen – probably not comfortable. Repairs could be needed in the home as well.

      A parent or parent figure will be redefining him or herself multiple times. His or her self-concept, the way he or she thinks of him or her self, will change, and this will lead to changes in their ‘presentation’ to the public. This will go on all year. The marriage of parents or parent figures has been severely tested over the past two years, but things should improve this year. We will discuss this further in the monthly reports.

      Siblings and sibling figures are having a quiet year. They seem satisfied with where they are and have no need to move. However, they will be making many major financial changes this year.

      Parents or parent figures are experiencing dramas in their lives, as we mentioned, but they are not likely to move. However, children or children figures in your life are likely to move. Their current relationships will get tested. They have many job opportunities. Those of child-bearing age seem more fertile than usual. Grandchildren (if you have them) are having a status quo family year.

      If you’re planning renovations to the home, June 21 to July 22 would be a good time. If you want to improve the home in a cosmetic kind of way – or if you’re buying objects of beauty for the home – August 7 to September 6 is a good time. Your aesthetic sense will be sharper and your choices will be better.

      Finance and Career

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