Slender Man. Anonymous

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Slender Man - Anonymous

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Elle Solomon
What do you mean missing? 06:06
Steve Allison
I don’t know. She didn’t come home last night or she went out in the middle of the night. The point is she’s not there. 06:07
José Sanchez
She’s not home? 06:07
Steve Allison
No. Her mom called mine. 06:08
Amy Linares
Why? 06:08
Steve Allison
How the fuck should I know? I guess maybe she thought Lauren was here? 06:08
Elle Solomon
But she’s not? 06:08
Steve Allison
Why the fuck would I say she was missing if she was here? 06:09
Elle Solomon
Jesus. Calm down. Did you see her yesterday? 06:09
Steve Allison
Not after school. 06:09
José Sanchez
Anyone else see her? 06:10
Bruce Underwood
Lauren’s missing? 06:10
Amy Linares
Read the thread, Bruce. 06:10
Laura Muller
I saw her after school. She was coming out of Dean & Deluca. 06:11
Elle Solomon
On Madison? 06:11
Laura Muller
Yeah. 06:11
Steve Allison
What time was that? 06:11
Laura Muller
Right after school. Maybe ten after four? 06:12
Amy Linares
Was she on her own? 06:12
Laura Muller
I think so. 06:12
Andy Lindburgh
What’s with all the notifications? If I wanted an alarm I would have set one. 06:13
Amy Linares
Lauren Bailey’s missing. 06:13
Steve Allison
Put your fucking phone on silent then. 06:13
Andy Lindburgh
What? 06:14
Elle Solomon
She should be at home but she isn’t. 06:14
Andy Lindburgh
Who saw her last? 06:14
José Sanchez
That’s what we’re trying to work out. 06:15
Steve Allison
Everyone stop shitposting and catching each other up. Read the thread and shut up unless you’ve got something useful to say. 06:15
Andy Lindburgh
Eat a dick, Steve. 06:15
Elle Solomon
So nobody saw her after I did? 06:16
Steve Allison
Fuck you Andy. 06:16

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Jamie Reynolds