Weaveworld. Клайв Баркер

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Weaveworld - Клайв Баркер

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had no defence, Shadwell, except some poxy trick I learned in my cot.’

      ‘How’s that possible?’

      ‘Maybe she just grew old.’ came Immacolata’s reply. ‘Her mind rotted.’

      ‘And the other Custodians?’

      ‘Who knows? Dead, maybe. Wandered off into the Kingdom. She was on her own, at the last.’ The Incantatrix smiled; an expression her face was not familiar with. ‘There was I, being cautious and calculating, afraid she’d have raptures that’d undo me, and she had nothing. Nothing. Just an old woman dying in a bed.’

      ‘If she’s the last, there’s no-one to stop us, is there? No-one to keep us from the Fugue.’

      ‘So it’d seem,’ Immacolata replied, then lapsed into silence again, content to watch the sleeping Kingdom slide past the window.

      It still amazed her, this woeful place. Not in its physical particulars, but in its unpredictability.

      They’d grown old here, the Keepers of the Weave. They – who’d loved the Fugue enough to give their lives to keep it from harm – they’d finally wearied of their vigil, and withered into forgetfulness.

      Hate remembered though; hate remembered long after love had forgotten. She was living proof of that. Her purpose – to find the Fugue and break its bright heart – was undimmed after a search that had occupied a human life-time.

      And that search would soon be over. The Fugue found and put up for auction, its territories playgrounds for the Cuckoos, its peoples – the four great families – sold into slavery or left to wander in this hopeless place. She looked out at the city. A fidgety light was washing brick and concrete, frightening off what little enchantment the night might have lent.

      The magic of the Seerkind could not survive long in such a world. And, stripped of their raptures, what were they? A lost people, with visions behind their eyes, and no power to make them true.

      They and this tarnished, forsaken city would have much to talk about.






ight hours before Mimi’s death in the hospital, Suzanna had returned to the house in Rue Street. Evening was falling, and the building, pierced from front to back with shafts of amber light, was almost redeemed from its dreariness. But the glory didn’t last for long, and when the sun took itself off to another hemisphere she was obliged to light the candles, many of which remained on the sills and the shelves, set in the graves of their predecessors. The illumination they offered was stronger than she’d expected, and more glamorous. She moved from room to room accompanied everywhere by the scent of melting wax, and could almost imagine Mimi might have been happy here, in this cocoon.

      Of the design which her grandmother had shown her, she could find no sign. It was not in the grain of the floorboards, nor in the pattern of the wallpaper. Whatever it had been, it was gone now. She didn’t look forward to the melancholy task of breaking that news to the old lady.

      What she did find, however, all but concealed behind the stack of furniture at the top of the stairs, was the tall-boy. It took a little time to remove the items piled in front of it, but there was a revelation waiting when she finally set the candle on the floor before it, and opened the doors.

      The vultures who’d picked the household clean had forgotten to rifle the contents of the tall-boy. Mimi’s clothes still hung on the rails, coats and furs and ball-gowns, all, most likely, unworn since last Suzanna had opened this treasure trove. Which thought reminded her of what she’d sought on that occasion She went down on her haunches, telling herself that it was folly to think her gift would still be there, and yet knowing indisputably that it was.

      She was not disappointed. There, amongst the shoes and tissue, she found a package wrapped in plain brown paper and marked with her name. The gift had been postponed, but not lost.

      Her hands had begun to tremble. The knot in the faded ribbon defied her for half a minute, and then came free. She pulled the paper off.

      Inside: a book. Not new, to judge by its scuffed corners, but finely bound in leather. She opened it. To her surprise, she found it was in German. Geschichten der Geheimen Orte the title read, which she hesitatingly translated as Stories of the Secret Maces. But even if she hadn’t had a smattering of the language, the illustrations would have given the subject away: it was a book of faery-tales.

      She sat down at the top of the stairs, candle at her side, and began to study the volume more closely. The stories were familiar, of course: she’d encountered them, in one form or another, a hundred times. She’d seen them re-interpreted as Hollywood cartoons, as erotic fables, as the subject of learned theses and feminist critiques. But their bewitchment remained undiluted by commerce or academe. Sitting there, the child in her wanted to hear these stories told again, though she knew every twist and turn, and had the end in mind before the first line was spoken. That didn’t matter, of course. Indeed their inevitability was part of their power. Some tales could never be told too often.

      Experience had taught her much: and most of the news was bad. But these stories taught different lessons. That sleep resembled death, for instance, was no revelation; but that death might with kisses be healed into mere sleep … that was knowledge of a different order. Mere wish-fulfilment, she chided herself. Real life had no miracles to offer. The devouring beast, if cut open, did not disgorge its victims unharmed. Peasants were not raised overnight to princedom, nor was evil ever vanquished by a union of true hearts. They were the kind of illusions that the pragmatist she’d striven so hard to be had kept at bay.

      Yet the stories moved her. She couldn’t deny it. And they moved her in a way only true things could. It wasn’t sentiment that brought tears to her eyes. The stories weren’t sentimental. They were tough, even cruel. No, what made her weep was being reminded of an inner life she’d been so familiar with as a child; a life that was both an escape from, and a revenge upon, the pains and frustrations of childhood; a life that was neither mawkish nor unknowing; a life of mind-places – haunted, soaring – that she’d chosen to forget when she’d took up the cause of adulthood.

      More than that; in this reunion with the tales that had given her a mythology, she found images that might help her fathom her present confusion.

      The outlandishness of the story she’d entered, coming back to Liverpool, had thrown her assumptions into chaos. But here, in the pages of the book, she found a state of being in which nothing was fixed: where magic ruled, bringing transformations and miracles. She’d walked there once, and far from feeling lost, could have passed for one of its inhabitants. If she could recapture that insolent indifference to reason, and let it lead her through the maze ahead, she might comprehend the forces she knew were waiting to be unleashed around her.

      It would be painful to relinquish her pragmatism, however: it had kept her from sinking so often. In the face of waste and sorrow she’d held on by staying cool; rational. Even when her parents had died,

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