ВВП. Краткая история, рассказанная с пиететом. Дайана Койл

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ВВП. Краткая история, рассказанная с пиететом - Дайана Койл Экономическая теория (ГУ ВШЭ)

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      Report on Greek Government Debt and Def cit Statistics // European Commission. January 2010. К 2008 г. Греция поднялась на пятую строку в мире по величине импорта вооружений.


      См.: Harford T. Look out for Number 1. <http://timharford. com/2011/09/look-out-for-no-1/>; McCullogh A. Beware of Greeks Bearing Stats // Signif cance.; а также The Curious Case of Benford’s Law // WolframAlpha Blog. 13 December 2010. <http://blog.wolframalpha.com/2010/12/13/the-curious-case-of-benfords-law/>.


      Landefeld J. S. GDP: One of the Great Inventions of the 20th Century // Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business. January 2000. <http://www.bea.gov/scb/account_articles/ general/0100od/maintext.htm>.


      Bos F. Uses of National Accounts: History, International Standardization and Applications in the Netherlands. MPRA Paper No. 9387. 30 June 2008. <http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/9387/>.


      Mitra-Kahn B. H. Redef ning the Economy: How the ‘Economy’ Was Invented, 1620. Ph.D. dissertation. City University London, 2011. <http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/1276/>.


      Smith A. The Wealth of Nations. 1776. Book II. Ch. 3 (Смит А. Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов. М.: Эксмо, 2007. С. 338–339).


      Tily G. John Maynard Keynes and the Development of National Accounts in Britain, 1895–1941 // Review of Income and Wealth. 2009. Vol. 55. No. 2. P. 331–359.


      Maddison A. The World Economy: Historical Statistics / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Paris, 2003. См. также: Мэддисон Э. Контуры мировой экономики в 1–2030 гг. Очерки по макроэкономической истории. М.: Изд-во Ин-та Гайдара, 2012.


      США вступили в войну в декабре 1941 г. после нападения на Перл-Харбор.


      См.: Fogel R. W., Fogel E. M., Guglielmo M., Grotte N. Political Arithmetic: Simon Kuznets and the Empirical Tradition in Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.


      Lacey J. Keep from all T oughtful Men: How US Economists Won World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2011. P. 43.


      Цит. по: Mitra-Kahn H. Op. cit.


      Stone R. The Role of Measurement in Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951. P. 43.


      Carson C. S. The History of the United States National Income and Product Accounts: The Development of an Analytical Tool // Review of Income and Wealth. 1975. Vol. 21. P. 153–181.


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      Kane R. Measures and Motivations: U.S. National Income and Product Estimates during the Great Depression and World War II. Munich Working Paper. February 2012. <http://mpra. ub.uni-muenchen.de/44336/>.


      Keynes J. M. How to Pay for the War // Essays in Persuasion. Basingstoke: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, 1989 [1940].


      Цит. по: Landefeld J. S. Op. cit.


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