История британской социальной антропологии. Алексей Никишенков

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from Tylor to Malinowski // The Ethnographer’s Magic and other Essays in the History of Anthropology. Madison, 1992.


      Geertz Cl. The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. N.Y., 1973.


      Geertz Cl. Works and Lives. The Anthropologist as Author. Cambridge, 1988.


      Van Maanen J. Tales of the Field. On Writing Ethnography. Chicago, 1988.


      Marcus G.E. and Fischer M.M.J. Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago, 1986.


      Levi-Strauss C. The Scope of Anthropology. L., 1976; Леви-Стросс К. Структурная антропология (сборник переводов). М., 1980; он же. Структурная антропология. М., 1985.


      Panoff M. Bronislaw Malinowski. Paris, 1972.


      Lombard J. L’anthropoloie britanique contemporaine. Paris, 1972.


      Maquet J. Objectivity in Anthropology // Current Anthropology. Chicago, 1964. V. 5. № 1.


      Stagl J. Kulturanthropologie und Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1981.


      Salat J. Reasoning as Enterprise: The Anthropology of S.F. Nadel. Transl. by G. Quatember. Göttingen, 1983.


      Magubane B. A. Critical Look an Indicies Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa // Current Anthropology. 1971. V. 12. № 4–5.


      Owusu M. On Indigenous Anthropology: A Malinowskian View // Current Anthropology. Chicago, 1981. V. 22. № 6.


      Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method: An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective // Current Anthropology. 1976. V. 17. № 3.


      Said E. Orientalism. N.Y., 1978.


      Asad T. (Ed.) Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. L., 1973.


      Parsons T. Malinowski and the Theory of Social System // Man and Culture: An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski. Ed. by R. Firth. L., 1957.


      Merton R.K. On Theoretical Sociology. N.Y., 1967.


      Sztompka P. Metoda funkcjonalna w sociołogii i antropołogii społecznej. Wroclaw, 1971.


      Jarvie I. The Revolution in Anthropology; Idem. Concepts and Society. L., 1972.


      Jones G. Social Darvinism and English Thought: The Interaction between Biological and Social Theory. N.Y., 1980.


      Singer M.B. A Neglected Source of Structuralim: Radcliffe-Brown, Russell, and Whitehead // Semiotica. Hague, 1984. V. 48 (1–2).


      Stepan N.L. The Idea of Race in Science: Great Britain, 1800–1960. L., 1982.


      Thornton R.J. «Imagine Yourself Set Down»: Mach, Conrad, Frazer, Malinowski and the Role of Imagination in Ethnography // Anthropology Today. L., 1985. V. 1 (5); Idem. The Chains of Recipricity: The Impact of Nietzsche’s Genealogy on Malinowski’s «Crime and Custom in Savage Society» // Polish Sociological Bulletin. 1992. V. 1 (97).


      Clifford J. The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature and Art. Cambridge (Mass.). 1988.


      Vickery J.B. The Literary Impact of «The Golden Bough». Princeton, 1973.


      Kitagawa J.M., Strong J. Friedrich Max Müller and the Comparative Study of Religion // Nineteenth Century Religious Thought in the West. Ed. by N. Smart et all. V. III. Cambridge, 1985.


      Manganaro M. Myth, Rhetoric and the Voice of Authority: A Critique of Frazer, Eliot, Frye, and Campbell. New Haven, 1992.


      Spain D.H. The Westermarck – Freud Incest Theory Debate: An Evaluation and Reformulation // CA. 1987. V. 28.


      Stocking G.W.Jr. Anthropology and the Science of Irrational: Malinowski’s Encounter with Freudian Psychoanalysis // HOA. 1986. V. 4.


      Stocking G.W.Jr. Race, Culture and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology. N.Y., 1968.


      Idem. Victorian Anthropology. N.Y., 1987.


      Stocking G.W.Jr. After Tylor: British Social Anthropology, 1888–1951. Madison (Wisc.),

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