Как Россия победила в Крымской войне. (1853—1856). Роман Коротенко

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Как Россия победила в Крымской войне. (1853—1856) - Роман Коротенко

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      «Dans la langue russe le mot d’esclave, slavec, est synonyme de celui d’homme…» (Ibid., p. 82). Любопытно, что во Франции, например, официантов (то есть, по сути, тоже прислугу) называют гарсонами, то есть мальчиками. Рюльер, судя по всему, об этом либо не знал, либо над этим не задумывался.


      «Et cette espèce de servitude religieuse avait si bien effacé de leurs âmes toutes les idées de la liberté naturelle, qu’on ne trouve pas dans toute l’histoire de Russie une seule révolte d’esclaves…» (Ibid).


      Robert Thomas Wilson (1777—1849) был официальным представителем британцев при русской армии во время войны с Наполеоном. Позже повоевал в Южной Америке «добровольцем» на стороне Симона Боливара, где получил ранение; по возвращении на родину был избран в парламент. Скончался на посту губернатора Гибралтара.


      Пятое британское издание вышло уже в следующем, 1818 году. Разумеется, столь впечатляющий тираж книги Вильсона был напечатан исключительно ввиду её огромного читательского спроса.


      «He cherished the general prosperity by a polity adapted to the wants of each and all» (Wilson R. A sketch of the military and political power of Russia, in the year 1817. 4th ed. London, 1817, p. 13).


      «The ground on which the town, of Odessa now stands did not contain, in the year 1794, one house or inhabitant: now there are one thousand houses in stone, and above forty thousand residents: eight hundred ships annually sail from the port; and such quantities of corn are exported, that this part of the world, as in the time of the Greeks and Romans, promises to be the chief granary of the Mediterranean» (Ibid., p. 122).


      «Napoleon had been inaccurately informed on several points relative to Russia. His three principal errors were, a belief – that there were no good roads but where the hardened snow covered the surface – that cultivation was neglected – and that her population was dispersed. He found, however, as fine and indeed broader roads than any in France, for the guns could move three abreast with considerable intervening space… He saw a peasantry better housed, supplied with fuel, better clothed, and, according to their habits, better fed than any peasantry on the continent, or any of the peasantry of modern England!» (Ibid., p. 35—36).


      «Can Russia, who in the year 1799 had a disposable army of only fifty thousand men; in the year 1807, not more than eighty thousand to defend both capitals; and in the year 1813, only three hundred thousand on her whole territory, after several years preparation; can she, notwithstanding a destructive invasion and wars of such great waste and expenditure, have collected and re-equipped armies sufficient to defend her acquisitions and improve her advantages? The answer is, She can; and Europe and Asia must acknowledge the truth of that assertion: for, both quarters of the globe are overshadowed by the mass of six hundred and forty thousand men, which an establishment of one million two hundred thousand ranges in order of battle, exclusive of militia, Tartar cavalry, &c» (Ibid., p. 148).


      «It was this system of legislation and connexion which preserved the Fins, the Lithuanians, the Courlanders, the Podolians, the Wolhynians, the Sarmates, and the Tartars in general, in their allegiance, and animated the Cossacks of the Don and the Wolga, with enthusiastic zeal in the service of a power against whose dominion they had so long contended» (Ibid., p. 130); «Именно эта система законов и связей сохранила финнов, литовцев, курляндцев, подольцев, волынцев, сарматов и вообще татар в их верности, и воодушевила казаков Дона и Волги с восторженным рвением служить державе, против владычества которой они так долго боролись».


      «Are then Europe, and Asia, and America (of which hemisphere nothing has been said, for the hour is not yet ripe, though it teems with matter of the highest moment to the world), to make no effort for the preservation of their independence? Must the fiat of Alexander be the law of the universe?» (Ibid., p. 156—157).


      «Having thus traced a summary narrative of the principal points and facts, which characterized the policy of Russia, and have tended to her aggrandizement-a summary which will acquire interest the more it is examined and the more it is developed, the question may be investigated which has been proposed, viz., how far any combination of France, England, and Austria can control the policy Russia may be disposed to pursue?» (Ibid., p. 115—116); «Проследив таким образом краткое изложение основных положений и фактов, характеризовавших политику России и имевших тенденцию к ее возвеличиванию… можно исследовать предложенный вопрос, а именно: в какой мере любое объединение Франции, Англии и Австрии сможет контролировать политику, которую может проводить Россия?»


      «Alexander, profiting by the intemperate and injudicious conduct of his allies, endeavoured again to ingratiate himself with the French people. His armies maintained a strict discipline. His proclamations, abandoning contributions, and distributing largesses to the inhabitants, who had suffered by the passage of the allied troops, were circulated with industry; and his avowed opposition to the designs

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