The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked. Илана Либ

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The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked - Илана Либ

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after death; this is a terrible situation, as the house of fortune is afflicted.

      In the Tenth House: Problems in career, achievements go unnoticed, many changes in career, uncertainty about Dharma, no fame and publicity, doing bad deeds; since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the fourth house, it will be difficult to obtain a degree, there will be conflicts with the mother, problems with vehicles, misery, and other difficulties related to the fourth house.

      In the Eleventh House: Poor relationships with elderly relatives; they may die young or their lives may be difficult; ascetic friends, bad friends, debts or expenses due to friends, few opportunities heralding good news, desires and ambitions are not fulfilled, financial loss, few benefits and profits; problems with children, bad investments, mental issues, since the fifth house receives a harmful aspect from the ruler of the twelfth house.

      In the Twelfth House: The planet is in its house; this is a great situation for spiritual exploration, as the person will follow the path of the twelfth house; attainment of celestial status after death, few expenses (easy to save money), good sex life, success abroad.

      If contradictions are found in the description of the house lords, then more attention should be paid to those data that repeat several times. Vedic astrology is unique in that, besides the personal natal chart – referred to as D1, there are subdivided charts that assist with all questions. Each of these should be examined alongside the main chart – D1.

      D2 Chart

      This is the second partial chart, which allows for a detailed observation of the second house in the main natal chart, for the purpose of diagnosing the person's wealth, happiness, problems, and unpleasant situations due to wealth. In addition, the D2 chart diagnoses additional characteristics of the second house in the natal chart (D1): earnings, salary, speech, food, family.

      There are two types of D2 horoscopes – Varanasi D2 and Parashara Varga. Each sign in the D1 chart is divided into two parts (Moon lordship and Sun lordship).

Varanasi D2

      It is necessary to diagnose the lord of the second house in the natal chart D1 and see which house it is in D2. This way, one can see from where the person might expect financial assistance and salary. If the lord of the second house in D1 is in the 1st house in D2, the person will need to rely solely on themselves; if in the 2nd house – they will receive help from others, obtaining resources and salary through family; if in the 3rd house – through siblings, neighbors; in the 4th house – through their family; in the 5th house – through creativity, romantic relationships, children; in the 6th house – through providing service to others; in the 7th house – through marriage; in the 8th house – through inheritance; in the 9th house – through the father, the state; in the 10th house – through career; in the 11th house – through assistance from friends. The lord of the second house in D1 located in the 12th house in D2 indicates that one should not spend money thoughtlessly and should be very cautious in this area.

The Houses in D2

      The 1st house shows personality in terms of prosperity, wealth, and the way to acquire wealth.

      The 2nd house indicates the accessible sources of wealth, prosperity, resources, food, family, family support, savings.

      The 3rd house shows the plans and realization of the plans related to achieving wealth and prosperity.

      The 4th house – satisfaction from the financial situation, realization of income and savings.

      The 5th house – investments, financial risks, the partner's wealth, hobbies.

      The 6th house – loans, debts, barriers regarding money, loss of partners.

      The 7th house – the partner's business, collaborations.

      The 8th house – loss, money that the person did not earn themselves, inheritance, winnings, crises.

      The 9th house – success and security from higher forces, compensation.

      The 10th house – income from the main activity.

      The 11th house – profits and financial opportunities.

      The 12th house – loss, waste, expenses, profits from abroad.

      The first half of each odd sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) is under the influence of the Sun, while the second half is under the influence of the Moon. The first half of each even sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) is under the influence of the Moon, while the second half is under the influence of the Sun. If, for example, Mars is 20 degrees away from Virgo in the second half of any even sign, then it is placed in the Sun lordship. This is how all the planets are diagnosed in the horoscope.

The Prashara Method or Cancer/Leo

      In this section, only the signs Cancer (Moon's lordship) and Leo (Sun's lordship) are considered. All planets can be positioned either in Cancer or in Leo, which serve as indicators for the father and mother, through which the results of the second house are expressed.

      A rising sign in Leo indicates that it is important for a person to earn money on their own, to support themselves and their relatives (a masculine sign). Such a person is more active.

      A rising sign in Cancer indicates that the person is more inclined towards family relationships rather than financial gains (a feminine sign). Such a person has fewer options or desires to earn on their own.

      A rising sign in Leo indicates that the horoscope owner is capable of changing their family's karma regarding wealth for the better, while a rising sign in Cancer does not indicate this.

      The deities ruling the Sun's lordship are Devata (gods), and the Moon's lordship is Pitri (the ancestors, elders). Planets in Leo indicate wealth through the individual's efforts, while in Cancer, it indicates wealth through the blessings of the ancestors. If more planets are positioned in Cancer, it will be easier for the person to earn; if in Leo, it will be harder.

      Jupiter is a marker of wealth and the Karaka (indicator of qualities and traits) of the second house. Its state in the horoscope is very important. The horoscope allows for checking what type a planet belongs to—solar type or lunar type. Masculine planets—Sun, Mars, and Jupiter—give good results when positioned in the Sun's lordship (Leo). Feminine planets—Moon, Venus, and Saturn—give good results in the Moon's lordship (Cancer). The dual-natured Mercury brings good results in both lordships, but in practice, everything depends on which planets influence it in this horoscope.

      Each lordship can be divided into 3 parts of 5 degrees. A planet in the first part (0-5 or 20-25) is considered strong, in the second part (5-10 or 15-20)—its powers are average, and in the third part (10-15 or 25-30)—it is weakest.

      Planets in the Sun's lordship give the person initiative. Planets in the Moon's lordship mainly provide reliance on society, family, and the past. If there are too few planets in the Sun's lordship, it will be very difficult for the horoscope owner to gain recognition from the environment. If there are too few planets in the Moon's lordship, it indicates a lack of understanding with others and that the person may receive recognition.

      It is important to check the Lagna in the horoscope (rising

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