She miss you. Lerysol
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Slammed. “It’s sad. I didn’t understand everything, but I felt sad. Why? Affected. Violin motifs evoke something special. Vacuum. Apparently, I can’t find a psycho similar to me. She is indifferent to success. Age. Pedigree. The presence of the past. I love it by the ocean, scattered with a star. The surf gently massages. Infinity. Smiling at the scorching one. The dog hides with a cold nose. Be quiet. Light-heartedly. I like to saturate with my own energy. Self-sufficient? I guess. A little more interesting than others, apparently. But your puzzles are not enough. I missed you so much.”
The sun denotes its own presence, luring it out, and then gives it to the wild wind to be torn to pieces. The wind governs the city, appointing, lowering, calculating without help. A temporary alien manager, cynically undressing the beauty of deciduous necklaces, exposes the shy. Nakedness is covered by the latter, and he bites in like a blood-stained tiger, consciousness is turned off. With the tip of claws, predatory fangs to the last capillary. And they? they shrink, bend in an attempt to survive, to be liked. The old ones, especially when they are lonely, want to be liked, ask stupid questions about how they look. They scan emotions, show concern, duplicating mirror gestures. At the same time, there is probably someone who is waiting for her, an alternate airfield in full, chartered for the endless. Pause. Interests are developed – the desire to get out. To change the swamp of routine. Of course, it is potentially necessary and there are plans for the future. A short leopard, excessive laughter at banal jokes. Maintaining a conversation, trying to be interesting, supporting, throwing, splashing out like a waterfall what you have previously heard, of course, without delving into the essence, from similar weighed, demonstrating versatility. Cute runs out of steam, it is enough for 5, 7, 10, then she brings herself closer with a luxurious mane, coquettishly approaching, moving away like a pendulum, surfing her pupils according to his interest, amusingly balancing, good. She admires his forms, letting go of kind, quiet, but affectionate ones. And he? A fan. The peacock, stuffed with compliments, fluffing out its tail, giving out its first guttural faces, flowed into its frustrations with worries, emotional sobs.
I got ready. Glancing at the clock, reporting his incredible punctuality. Thanks to the wonderful table, strewn with viands, drinks with Colombian flavors, throwing notes of politeness just in case, releasing bulldozers backstage to level the next airfield for critical landings.
Slammed. “How are you? You have autumn in gold, all-consuming geysers with depression. Wave after wave with trains? And the ocean spoils me, with a crimson dawn on a run, like a naughty puppy, playing, teasing. Time jumps chaotically, slowing down, then again rapidly, changing the greeting of oncoming people, new, forgotten past, I pay off with politeness. Viscous occasionally. Protractedly. Exciting. By the beginning of twilight, she is often completely morally squeezed out. I alternate physics, giving preference to youth, discarding stupid attempts to find a similar person on the head. Setting boundaries for sleeping alone. Obsessive. The ocean, you know? Only it calms you down. Allows you to relax, massaging your fingertips gently. A little less? Waves. Sometimes nightmarish tsunamis do not allow you to sleep. The clang of greedy cynicism cannot be overcome. Or maybe you will get out? Come, do you hear? Miss. Lips on the cheek, hair on the palms of the hands missed to tears. I want tenderness.”
In search of an explanation for the stupidity of the meaning of uniting into cells, more often emotional support, but this is more often replaced by sympathetic girlfriends with feather pillows, cut boyfriends. A joint project of creating heirs follows step by step, amusing oneself in dreams about raising the best of quality – and of course, this is the most recognized long-term project, which often does not allow you to abandon what has been created at any time. Sufficiency on electronic candy wrappers is for freedom in buns, and this is selfishly solvable in loneliness that is understandable and predictable by emotions. Having mastered the basic profession, without waves, storms, having honed the QA, design lines to a shine, not realizing that tomorrow this will also be artificial. At the moment in the house, without thinking a couple ahead, thoughts on the barns in gray closets, today extolling the ideas of hedonism in the absolute. It drips stably, smells of stability from even a small flow of checks. Alone, with the support of the codes of the region’s rules not voiced at the early stages of the merger, appropriating the joint project for themselves, as if the acquired household was their own, they pick up the leftovers of help from the parents, here and there, the opposite biological parent, intercepting short-term handouts from the candy-bouquet that meets for a while. By making exclusively material interests a priority, providing oneself with a minimum subsistence income. Cross it out. They immerse themselves in the project – the child, recklessly assuming the creation and cultivation of a fully developed independent monoman. Forgetting the basics of the need for male influence, providing a successful practical example of the existence and mutual understanding of parents. Without the absence of such an example, observations of how conflicts are overcome internally, about the important irreplaceable role of the second parent in life. New ones grow without details, and other internal mechanisms cannot withstand the load of the external, breaking what has been created, hidden irreparable breakdowns of the personality. The first inclined to disguised polite future sociopaths, hooked on pharma from the conveyor belt industry of psychorights. After? Do not forget about the functionality of the defender. Conditional need for protection? The rules of the ball have changed a long time ago, there are no generally accepted predators, alien hungry tribes that carry a mortal final danger. There are still those who cannot stand the rules and the attitude of society towards each other, trying to hide in penthouses, palaces, others in villages, forests, farms, families from their own kind, away from the harsh and predatory. Nature is merciless, such is its charm that even there, without a dome, sinewy hands, palms are caught unexpectedly. Predators always take the unrestrained by surprise, testing for strength, breaking down the door, and sneaking up with politeness. Sometimes under the icy shower of the reality of the jungle, with questionnaires skipped in a series on the conveyor, with stupid unceremoniously protruding demands. Must: travel at least a couple of times a year, gifts in bunches on designated dates, height from one hundred and eighty. The hostess is in the garbage: cleaning – cleaning, cooking – ordered fast food with restaurants. Wall of cold. Care, what is it? Without much ceremony, let the green character off the chains with the reciprocal ones. Without foreplay, with aggression, height from one hundred and seventy-five, constant – cooking and cleaning with care, is not discussed.