Судовые механики. Базовая лексика. Английский язык. Сугралимова Олеся

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Судовые механики. Базовая лексика. Английский язык - Сугралимова Олеся

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      mixed components – наполнитель для перемешивания

      Put words in gaps:

      – Material extrusion is kind of like squeezing toothpaste out of the tube, except that plastic hardens a lot faster after and cools down.

      – Indeed, filtration through carbon results in a miracle: a virtually ready-for-use VODKA is produced from two … – alcohol and water.

      – The task of the first part of the technology is to sort the waste into individual fractions suitable ………………………

      4 in the settling tank, it goes into tank number one.

      – The device must be placed in the tank when it is water.

      – When valve 11116 is opened, is also opened to allow air to

      enter the loop 1184 to compensate for air exiting through separator 11112.

      Read text and do exercises:

      For settling tank there is another valve for compressing air. If something floats in the settling tank, it is extruded into tank number one for further recycling.

      First tank is a half filled with the mixed components.

      Put words in correct order to make sentences:

      – For there is settling tank for compressing air valve another.



      – further recycling If something number one, it is extruded into tank the settling tank for further recycling floats in.




      – with is a half filled First tank the mixed components.



      Write words in the gaps:

      For settling tank there is ………….. valve for compressing air. If something ………… in the settling tank, it is ………….. into tank number one for further……………

      First tank is a half filled with the mixed…………………

      Sewage Part 4

      without air – без воздуха will die – умрут

      floats – поплавки

      discharge liquid – сброс жидкости stop pump – остановка насоса

      if something goes wrong – если что-то пошло не так

      Put words in gaps:

      – There is no life ……………….

      – Saltwater equipment often builds up calcium which slows down water movement and can completely.

      – Captain never gets angry ………………………..

      – Insects during this time of hunger.

      – Well-preserved nets, net, and hooks were found at Key Marco

      – High start -…

      Read the text and do exercises:

      Without air the bacterias will die.

      Inside the sterilization tank there are floats. high start – discharge liquid

      low start – stop pump

      high alarm – alarm signal if something goes wrong

      Write words in the gaps:

      Without air the bacterias will die.

      Inside the sterilization tank there are floats. high start – ……………….

      low start – ……………………

      high alarm – alarm signal ………………………..


      – high star a.stop pump

      – low start b. discharge liquid

      – high alarm c. alarm signal if something goes wrong

      Sewage Part 5

      sample cock – клапан для взятия пробы ила sludge test – тест на ил

      special triangular flask – специальная треугольная колба give time to settle – дать время, чтобы отстояться

      look at the notches – посмотреть на риски mens few bacteria – значит, что бактерий мало

      add more – добавить больше little sludge – мало ила rarely – редко

      Put words in gaps:

      sample cock – клапан для взятия пробы ила sludge test – тест на ил

      special triangular flask – специальная треугольная колба give time to settle – дать время, чтобы отстояться

      – We make the to know how many bacteria are in the system.

      – We use the to make a sludge test.

      3 … – the valve for taking samples.

      – ………sludge………………..

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