Исторический английский фразеологический словарь. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический английский фразеологический словарь - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Court. From the Earl of Warwick, whose estate it was until, by the marriage of the Dowager Countess of Warwick with Lord Holland, it passed into her husband’s family.

      East Anglia. A name still popular as defining the eastern counties. This was one of the seven divisions or petty kingdoms of England under the Angles or Saxons.

      86Eastcheap. The eastern chepe, or market, of the city of London.

      Easter. From the Teutonic Ostara, goddess of light or spring; rendered by the Anglo-Saxons Eastre. This great spring festival lasted eight days.

      Easter Island. The name given to it by Jacob Roggevin when he visited the island on Easter Sunday, 1722.

      East Sheen. A name reminiscent of the original designation of “Richmond.”

      Eat Dirt. An Americanism for a confession of penitence or absolute defeat in an argument.

      Eat Humble Pie. In the days of sumptuous banquets of venison the lords of the feast reserved to themselves the flesh of the deer. The huntsmen and retainers had to be content with the heart, liver, and entrails, collectively called the “umbles,” which were made into monster pies.

      Eat my own Words. To take them back again, to retract a statement.

      Eaton Square. From Eaton Hall, near Chester, the seat of the Duke of Westminster, the ground landlord.

      Eau de Cologne. A scent prepared at Cologne. The city itself is not sweet to the nostrils; it has been said that forty different smells may be distinguished there.

      Eavesdropper. A corruption of Eavesdripper, one who, listening under the eaves of a house, caught the drips from the roof when it chanced to be raining.

      Ebro. After the Iberi, who spread themselves over the country from the banks of this river. See “Iberia.”

      Ebury Square. From the ancient manor of Eabury Farm, inherited by Mary Davies, and which, by her marriage, passed into the possession of the Grosvenor family.

      Eccleston Square. From Eccleston, Cheshire, the country seat of the Grosvenors.

      Ecuador. Expresses the Spanish for Equator.

      87Edgar Atheling. Signifies “Edgar of noble descent.”

      Edinburgh. The fortress or burgh built by Edwin, King of Northumbria. The Scots called it Dunedin.

      Edinburgh of America. Albany, in the state of New York, so called on account of its magnificent public buildings and its commanding situation.

      Edmonton. In Anglo-Saxon days Edmund’s Town.

      Edmund Ironside. So called from the suit of chain mail that he wore. Notwithstanding this protection he was treacherously murdered after a reign of nine months only.

      Edward the Confessor. The title bestowed upon the King of the Anglo-Saxons at his canonisation, on account of his remarkable asceticism, since, although he made the daughter of Earl Godwin his queen, he denied himself what are styled conjugal rights.

      Edward the Martyr. Murdered at the instance of his stepmother at Corfe Castle after having reigned scarcely three years.

      Eel Pie Island. From the invariable dinner dish served up to river excursionists.

      Effra Road. At Camberwell, from the little river of the same name, now converted into a sewer.

      Egalité. The name assumed by Philippe, Duc d’Orleans, the father of Louis Philippe, King of France, when, siding with the Republican Party in 1789, he accepted their motto: “Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality.” Four years later he met his death by the guillotine.

      Ehrenbreitstein. Expresses the German for “Honour’s Broad Stone.” The castle stands on a precipitous rock, which well merits the description of the “Gibraltar of the Rhine.”

      Eisteddfod. Celtic for a gathering of Welsh bards, from eistodd, to sit. As of old, the annual “Eisteddfod” is held for the encouragement of national music.

      88Eldorado. California. Eldorado expresses the Spanish for “golden region.”

      Electic Philosophers. Those who, agreeably to the Greek ek-lego, to pick out, selected what was best in the different schools or systems, and so built up one of their own.

      Elephant and Castle. The famous landmark in South London derived its sign from the arms of the Cutlers’ Company. A tavern in St Pancras parish took its sign from the skeleton of an elephant, beside which was a flint-headed spear, dug up in the neighbourhood. The connection between these and the battle fought by the followers of Queen Boadicea against the Roman invaders was unmistakable.

      Elephant stepped on his Purse. An Americanism implying that a creditor or some unlucky speculation has squeezed all the money out of a man.

      Elgin Marbles. Brought from Greece by the seventh Earl of Elgin. Acquired by the nation for the British Museum in 1816.

      Elia. The pseudonym of Charles Lamb for his “Essays” contributed to The London Magazine. This was the name of a gay, light-hearted foreigner, who fluttered about the South Sea House at the time when Lamb was a clerk there. At the moment of penning his signature to the first essay he bethought himself of that person, and substituted the name of Elia for his own.

      Eltham. Anciently Ealdham, “the old home.” Here Anthony Bec, the “Battling Bishop of Durham,” built himself a palace midway in the thirteenth century. After his death it fell to the Crown, and became a Royal residence, until the time of James I. The original Banqueting-Hall, used in modern days as a barn, may yet be seen.

      Ely Place. Marks the site of the residence of the Bishops of Ely.

      89Ember Days. This term has no connection with embers or sackcloth and ashes as a penitential observance. The Saxons called them Ymbrine dagas, or “running days,” because they came round at regular seasons of the year.

      Emerald Isle. Ireland, from its fresh verdure, due to its shores being washed by the warm waters of the “Gulf Stream.”

      Empire Day. May 24th, formerly the Queen’s Birthday. In the last days of Victoria the British Empire was consolidated through the assistance lent by the Colonies to the Mother Country in the South African War. When, therefore, King Edward VII. came to the throne, the former Queen’s Birthday was invested with a greater significance than of old.

      Empire State. New York, which, owing to position and commercial enterprise, has no rival among the other states of the Union.

      Empire State of the South. Georgia, in consequence of its rapid industrial development.

      Ena Road. In honour of Princess Ena, the consort of the young King of Spain.

      Encore. From the Latin hauc horam, till this hour, still, again.

      Encyclopædia. A book containing general or all-round instruction or information, from the Greek enkylios, circular or general, and paideia, instruction. An epitome of the whole circle of learning.

      Endell Street. After the name of the builder. This is one of the few streets in London that has preserved its old characteristics, steadfastly refusing to march with the times.

      England. In the time of Alfred the Great our country was styled Engaland, or the land of the Engles or Angles,

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