Курды. Потерянные на Ближнем Востоке. Максим Лебский
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Дрякин А. А. Забастовочная борьба рабочего класса Турции в 1970–1980 гг. // Турция: История, экономика, политика: Сб. ст. /АН СССР, Ин-т востоковедения; Редкол.: В. И. Данилов (отв. ред.) и др.; Ин-т востоковедения. М.: Наука,1984. C. 30–31.
Brian Mello. Communists and Compromisers: Explaining Divergences within Turkish Labor Activism, 1960–1980 // European Journal of Turkish Studies [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://ejts.revues.org/4343 (access date: 05.02.2014)
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 111.
Erkan Dogan. Articulating socialism with nationalism: a critical analysis of nationalism in the Turkish leftist tradition in the 1960-s. Ankara, 2010. P. 109.
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 21–22.
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 27.
Örmeci O. The Emergence of Socialist Movements in Turkey (1960–1980) [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://ydemokrat.blogspot.ru/2010/10/emergence-of-socialist-movements-in.html(access date: 16.03.2014)
Erkan Dogan. Articulating socialism with nationalism: a critical analysis of nationalism in the Turkish leftist tradition in the 1960-s. Ankara, 2010. P. 109–110.
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 19.
Данилов В. И. Турция 80-х: от военного режима до «ограниченной демократии». М., 1991. С.10.
Данилов В. И. Турция 80-х: от военного режима до «ограниченной демократии». М., 1991. С. 11–12.
Цит. по: Гасратян М. А. Турецкое законодательство и курды // Курдистан на перекрестках истории и политики. М.,1994. С. 64.
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Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 75.
Örmeci O. The Emergence of Socialist Movements in Turkey (1960–1980) [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://ydemokrat.blogspot.ru/2010/10/emergence-of-socialist-movements-in.html(access date: 16.03.2014)
AkkayaA., Jongerden J. The Kurdistan Workers Party and a New Left in Turkey: Analysis of the revolutionary movement in Turkey through the PKK’s memorial text on HakiKarer // European Journal of Turkish Studies [Electronic Resource] URL: http://ejts.revues.org/4613 (access date: 03.02.2014)
Erkan Dogan. Articulating socialism with nationalism: a critical analysis of nationalism in the Turkish leftist tradition in the 1960-s. Ankara, 2010. P. 151.
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 66.
Örmeci O. The Emergence of Socialist Movements in Turkey (1960–1980) [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://ydemokrat.blogspot.ru/2010/10/emergence-of-socialist-movements-in.html (access date: 16.03.2014)
The rise of ideological-revolutionary terrorism: the Turkish experience, 1960–1980. http://www.turkishweekly.net/article/226/
Özgür M. The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism. New York, 2011. P. 88.
Гасратян М. А. Курды Турции в Новейшее время. С. 264–265.
Erkan Dogan. Articulating socialism with nationalism: a critical analysis of nationalism in the Turkish leftist tradition in the 1960-s. Ankara, 2010. P. 177–178.
Erkan Dogan. Articulating socialism with nationalism: a critical analysis of nationalism in the Turkish leftist tradition in the 1960-s. Ankara, 2010. P. 107–108.
Ercan H. Dynamics of Mobilization and Radicalization of the Kurdish Movement in the 1970s in Turkey[Electronic Resource]// A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate school of Social Sciences and Humanities in Patrial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Master of Arts in Comprative Studies in