Learning telepathy in 10 minutes. Valeriy Zhiglov
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Know it, that God is in the soul of every one of us”.
Peter Paul Rubens (1577 —1640), Saint Thomas
It is this way that Apostle Thomas reminded us about the Divine Temple, which is in the soul of every one of us, and which Jesus Christ was able to revive several days after his death. The following writings by Apostle Thomas, in the Apocalypse from Thomas, tell about life after death.
In later years, some more apocryphal Gospels were found, which were published, too. The Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Nicodemus and others were shape shifting not only for scientists, but also for hundreds of thousands other people.
There was much interesting in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which had been written long before Jesus Christ was born, and yet describe in details what he did in life! Here comes the question: when did Jesus Christ actually live?
(There is more on the subject in my other book: V.I. Zhiglov.“The mistake of gods, or warning against experiments with human genome”. Published in 2010 by Golden Proportion Publishing House; the second edition: published in 2016 by Ridero Publishing House. This book is based on multiple archeological artifacts and relevant information, and it describes significant differences between people and so-called Celestials, or aliens, which earlier visited our planet Earth, and about exciting genetic experiments they carried out here. Also, they married the Earth people, and children were born in such marriages, and this, too, is mentioned in the Biblical texts. Ancient Sumerian texts on clay plates found in the Babylon library of Ashurbanipal, an Assyrian king, describes in details the reasons for the elimination of the human civilization by the Celestials by the Flood).
Origen Adamantius (185 – 254 A.D.)
Let us recall the words by Origen Adamantius, a well-known Christian theologian, scientist and philosopher, the founder of the biblical philology, who lived in 185 – 254 A.D., which he wrote in his famous commentary on the Book of the Revelation by John:
“For those, who understand literally, we give the Gospel from the historical point of view, teaching them with Jesus Christ, and His Crucifixion, but for those knowing, enflamed with love to the Divine Wisdom, we present the Logos”.
Apparently, the theologian who was standing by the roots of Christianity knew much more about the subject than all modern Church officials altogether. Therefore, we must pay special attention to his words to understand their true meaning.
Origen’s teachings, as the very first systemized formulation of the Christianity ideas in philosophical context, significantly influenced the work by those religious figures, who were after him: Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, Eusebius Pamphili, and many other Christian figures.
Therefore, those who study religions, are surrounded by thousands of peculiar symbols, from six-winged seraphs to a beast with seven heads and ten horns. More sorrowful is the fact they all forgot about: those symbols originally had meanings, which have very little in common with what they concocted as the explanation of their meanings. Many of those studying the Sacred Writings, do not even have an idea of what a priceless gift they own.
Here is what Nicholas Roerich wrote on the subject:
“It seems impossible that people could willingly forget the best possibilities. People lost the Keys for rig veda symbols. People forgot the meaning of Qabalah. People mutilated the wonderful word of Buddha. People lowered the Divine simplicity of Jesus Christ. And they forgot, they forgot the best Keys of the Gates”.
“People lose easily, but how they find? Ways to find give one the hope.
Now, when time is really running out, people – still a few of them – start remembering treasures they possess for long time. Keys of Trust start rattling by the belt. Dreams distinctively and imperatively call to the abandoned yet still existing Beauty.
Just accept. Just take, and see how your inner life changes. How the Spirit will thrill in the mind of unlimited opportunities. How easily the Beauty will enlighten the Temple, and a palace, and every fireplace, where a human heart is warmed”.
To summarize the words, one may conclude that, as Exoteric is for initial studying of the Spiritual World, based on parables or fables, which formulate the basics of religious teachings, Esoteric is for higher stages of the spiritual development, for those who mastered specific methodological approaches for better comprehension of the Spiritual World and possible interaction with Him.
When an individual fails to resolve a complicated situation, and already tried many different ways, the individual approaches esoteric teachings. With appropriate patience, the result will be obtained.
According to the Wisdom, a human created after the image and likeness of God, and God is almighty. A human needs to recall what he is and behave according to the knowing.
It is then, when harmony enters our life, the harmony with oneself, and with the world around.
In Islam, in addition to exoteric teachings, as formulated in Quran, there is also the esoteric trend of Sufism. The very basics of Sufism were formulated by the Prophet Mohammed, and were reflected in Hadiths. Sufism predicates ascetic life and Esoteric practices to improve one’s spiritual qualities. Sufism adherers are called Sufis. For Sufis, Mohammed the Prophet, rasul Allah, himself showed the ways to spiritually train an individual and the society.
In Judaism, the Exoteric teachings are in Torah, in the five books of Moses, which are Book of Genesis, Exodus, Book of Leviticus, Book of Numbers, and Book of Deuteronomy. As for the Esoteric teachings in Judaism, it is in Qabalah, which interprets the sacred knowledge of the Devine Revelation, which Torah comprises. Qabalah is based on the following books: Sefer Yetzirah, Sefer HaBahir, Zohar, and there are also the writings of ARI’zal. The Qabalah relates to understanding the Creator and the Creature, the role and the intentions of the Creator, as well as the human nature and the purpose of the human existence.
Thailand, Buddhist Temple
Buddhism in Sanskrit means “enlightened”. According Buddhism adherers, every living creature, which achieved the top holiness, might become Buddha, i.e. “enlightened”. Buddhism teaches that one builds one’s fate oneself, as well as the form of the one’s transformation. The power, which defines the transformation features, is called Karma.
Karma is the sum of all intentions and actions of a creature for all its previous transformations. In Buddhism, a human being is free to select, regardless Karma, and this partial freedom defines the Paths to Liberation in Buddhism, particularly, Bodhisattva path, or the path to enlightenment.
According to Buddhists, our mind draws for us an illusory world around us. The mind consists of billions of microscopic particles, or elements of mind, or Dharmas, which, being influenced by our Karma, create the individual conscious of the present transformation, and also the world, which surrounds us therewith.
It is the understanding of the true picture of the world around us, which brings us to spiritual liberation,