Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев

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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. В. Киселев

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chemical protective equipment

      CPL corporal

      CPT captain

      CRUDESGRU cruiser-destroyer group

      crypto cryptographic

      CS combat support

      CSS combat service support

      CSUSA Chief of Staff, US Army

      CSUSAF Chief of Staff, United States Air Force

      CTOL conventional take off and landing

      CV aircraft carrier

      CVN aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion)

      CVBG Carrier Battle Group

      CW chemical warfare

      CW continuous wave

      CW telegraphy

      CW agt chemical warfare agent

      CZ combat zone

      DA diphenylchlorarsine

      DA department of the Army

      DAF department of the Air Force

      DC diphenylcyanarsine

      DC Dental Corps

      DC District of Columbia

      DCA defensive counterair

      DCS/LOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

      DDG guided missile destroyer

      decon decontamination

      decon elm decontamination element

      def defense; defensive

      Def-Aids defensive aids

      dept department

      desron destroyer squadron

      det detachment

      DF direction-finding

      dir direction

      dis distance

      DISCOM division support command

      div division

      DIVARTY division artillery

      DIVEN divisional engineer

      DIV—IT Institutional Training Division

      DIV-TS Training Support Division

      DLA Defense Logistics Agency

      DM adamsite

      DME distance measuring equipment

      DN Department of the Navy

      DOD Department of Defense

      DODAC Department of Defense ammunition code

      DODIC Department of Defense identification code

      DOW died of wounds

      DP diphosgene

      DRU direct reporting unit

      DS direct support

      DS discarding sabot

      DSA division support area

      dspo disposition

      dvr driver

      DZ drop zone

      EAC echelon (s) above corps

      ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures

      ech echelon

      ECM electronic countermeasures

      ECS engagement control station

      EFIS electronic flight instrument system

      elct electronic

      elec elecrtical

      ELINT electronic intelligence

      elm element

      EM enlisted man (men)

      EMP electromagnetic pulse

      empl emplacement

      en enemy

      eng engine

      eng spd engine speed

      engr engineer

      EPW enemy prisoner of war

      equip equipment

      ERA explosive-reactive armor

      ESC Electronic Security Command

      ESM electronic warfare support measures

      ET electronic time

      EUCOM US European Command

      EUSA Eighth US Army, Korea

      EW electronic warfare

      exam examination

      explo explosion; explosive

      FA Field Artillery

      FAAD Forward Area Air Defense

      fac facility

      FAE fuel-air explosive

      FAST Fleet Antiterrorism

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