Английский язык: самоучитель. Денис Шевчук
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3. This job is difficult. Is………………………………………………………………………..?
4. Those desks are very expensive. Are…………………………………………………………?
5. I would like to have dinner here. Would………………………………………………………?
6. The children can go to school. Where…………………………………………………………?
7. This map is on the table. Where……………………………………………………………….?
8. I am in Italy. Where……………………………………………………………………………?
9. They are at home in the evening. When……………………………………………………….?
10. He can speak English. What language……………………………………………………….?
3. Find one word in each line that shouldn’t be there.The first has been done for you.
Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строчке. Первая строка выполнена как пример.
4. Choose the correct variant.
Отметьте правильный вариант.
1. The men …………………at work.
A. are B. is C. can
2. I like to look …………………the map.
A. on B. at C. –
3. I can ……………………him in the living room.
A. see B. look C. watch
4. …………………is my husband?
A. When B. Why C. Where
5. My friend is ………………….
A. Japan B. to Japan C. Japanese
6. …………………you walk with me in the park?
A. Could B. Are C. Want
7. ……………………are under the house.
A. A mouse B. The mouse C. Mice
8. They go ……………………school.
A. to B. in C. –
9. These are ……………………telephones.
A. our B. him C. them
10. My boss …………………………relax in the office.
A. isn’t B. can’t C. like
Активный словарь
1. receptionist – секретарь в приемной
She is a receptionist.
2. art – искусство
3. artist – художник
4. design – дизайн
The design of the car is very interesting.
5. custom – традиция
Tell me about British customs.
6. guest – гость
7. luggage – багаж
8. reason – причина
the reason for his absence – причина его отсутствия
9. sight – достопримечательность
London has many sights.
10. museum – музей
11. church – церковь
12. exhibition – выставка
I’d like to see the exhibition of flowers.
13. bridge – мост
14. city centre – центр города
I live in the city centre.
15. Underground – метро
16. shop – магазин
1. limited – ограниченный
Limited company
2. various – разнообразный
3. strange – странный, незнакомый
4. friendly – дружелюбный
People there are friendly.
5. modern – современный
It is a modern programme.
6. simple – простой
The text is very simple.
1. to carry – нести
to carry luggage – нести багаж
2. to get to the cinema / place – добираться до
3. to show – показывать
He can show various sights.
4. to study – учиться, изучать