Английский язык: самоучитель. Денис Шевчук
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At the weekend we go to play tennis.
I study foreign languages at college. It is expensive for my parents. They give me money for my studies. But I study very well. I study French, Japanese and Arabic languages. It is very interesting. I study the customs of these countries. I think I can get a good job.
I don’t have many friends. I have no time to see them. But I call my parents and send letters to them.
3. Think of three questions that you could ask Daniel, Fiona and Samuel. Think of possible answers.
Придумайте по три вопроса Дэниэлу, Фионе и Сэмуэлю. Придумайте ответы на них.
4. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary.
Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect?
Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока.
Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений.
1. I work as a receptionist in a modern office.
2. He often travels to various countries.
3. We don’t like to listen to pop music.
4. I can show my guests various sights.
5. Those museums are in the city centre.
6. That artist can have an exhibition.
7. Does he work in the shop?
8. When does she call her friends?
9. He would like to carry her luggage.
10. This country has many strange customs.
5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
Over there. To the platform four.
Yes, madam? Would you like me to help you?
Yes, please. Could you help me carry my luggage?
Excuse me?
Yes, madam.
Yes, please. Where to?
It’s nice. How about Saturday?
I think the style is very simple but nice. And I can understand this artist very well.
Do you like the exhibition, Mary?
Would you like to go to the exhibition in Stanford museum? My mother likes it a lot.
Yes. It is very interesting. What about you?
Saturday is O.K. with me.
Would you like to travel in summer?
Do you want to go to Italy or Spain?
In June. The weather is very nice in June in Spain. Are the tickets very expensive?
Yes, they are expensive. But I think our way is very nice.
Yes, I think it is lovely.
To Spain. This country has many interesting customs.
O.K. Can you go in June or in July?
Would you like to see the sights of the square and the park?
What can I see there?
Yes, of course.
We have three old churches, a museum of our city, many old bridges, a modern stadium and of course, many shops.
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
We can do it in the evening or in the afternoon.
Could you show me the city centre?
6. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.
Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить.
Jim: I’d like you to meet my wife Diana, Faby.
Faby: Pleased to meet you.
Diana: Nice to meet you, too.
Faby: How are your children?
Jim: They are fine. Now they study at college.
Faby: Oh. How old are they?
Jim: They are sixteen and fourteen.
Faby: What do they study?
Jim: They study art. They like it very much.
Faby: Do they study well?
Jim: Oh, thank God, very well.
Liz: What a nice dress!
Debora: Thank you.
Liz: Do you buy your dresses in Rodley shop in Stansley Road?
Debora: Yes, I like the shop. And the people who work there are very friendly.
Liz: Is the shop expensive?
Debora: Yes, it is. But it is lovely.
Liz: Does your husband go to this shop too?
Debora: No, he doesn’t like modern style.
Liz: Which shops does he like?