Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов. Коллектив авторов
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breach of duty 23
breach of warranty 121
breaching party 78
brief 12, 125, 263
bring a claim against sb 108
bring an action 88
bring an enforcement action against sb 149
bring relief 215
bring sth in line with sth 44
bring to a close 197
broadly speaking 190
burdensome 20
business 52, 185
business activity 204
business conditions 207
business entity 104
business interruption 131
business litigation 180
business method patent 150
business method patent controversy 152
business practice 208
business reorganization 180
business system 153
business-to-business website 74
buy back shares 44
buy shares through the new issue 265
by conduct 64
by delivery 164
by the same token 278
by virtue of 25, 128
bylaws 20, 23, 24
by way of 83
C corporation 22,25,264
call a meeting 43
call to the Bar 15
cancel 66
cancel a contract 79
cancel a licence 193
cancel pre-emption rights 265
cancel shares 44
cancellation 49, 66, 122
cancellation of a contract 122
capability 138
capital gain 52
capital structure 48, 264
capitalisation 34
capitalisation of interest on the assets 43
capitalised terms 67
career guide 193
career option 194
carry out reorganizations 201
carry voting rights 44
cartel 204
case 14, 162
case bonanza 108
case citation 13
case (for) 200
case law 8
case management 109
caseload 202
case-specific factors 27
cash dividend (US) 21
cash payments 164
cash reserve 44
categorical description 183
cause controversy 9
cause of action 12, 89
cause the loss 80 cease 194
certificate of incorporation / articles of incorporation (US) 20, 23
certificate of deposit (CD) 164, 165
chair of the committee 43
chair of the tribunal 109
chairman of the board 38
challenge 115, 277
challenge a patent 151
challenging 14, 262
challenging career option 194
changes to company law 44
charge 35, 124, 140, 176, 271
charge discriminatory prices 207
charge interest 166
cash payment 164
chattel 120
chattel mortgage (US) 35
checklist 53
cheque (UK)/check (US) 164
chief administrative officer 28
Christie's 211 circular (noun) 43
CISG (the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale Goods Act) 121
civil law 8, 108, 268
claim damages 66, 91, 131
claim property 124
claim rights over 271
claim under sb 163
claimed invention 153
class rights 54
clause 65
clause at issue 81
claw-back 27
clerkship 19
client events 196
close on the property 143
closing argument 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
closure 199
coal industry 204
co-determination 39
collapse (of the debtor-creditor relationship) 190
collateral 177
collateral contract 102