The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony. Rami Bleckt

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The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony - Rami Bleckt

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and do it with love.

      Modern marriages are usually established in passion as the main focus is sexual compatibility; as a result of it, they do not last. Sattva means maintenance: spouses respect each other, never complain or argue (particularly in front of children), the husband regularly presents flowers to his wife, and the wife makes herself look attractive for her husband and never directly contradicts him. It is said if there is peace in a family then the Goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, enters into home.

      Sages state that a woman is compared to a witch if she does not greet her husband with a smile when he comes home from work, speaks harshly or does not keep their home clean; she is considered to be stupid if she argues and disagrees with her husband rather than taking a more flexible and understanding position. If a woman argues with a man after he has expressed what he thinks is a most intelligent statement, even if she is right, it is a painful stab for his big, delicate ego and he will not forgive her.

      This is not only true for marital relationships. A long time ago it was noted that the statement, “The truth comes from arguments”, was concocted by people in passion. As Dale Carnegie has so accurately noticed: “Only enemies come from arguments.” The more intensely emotional the arguments, the more enmity is created.

      Questions and Answers

      Sattva and Modern Living

      An important question to consider is how we can stop our feelings from becoming agitated while living in the big city, driving in our car or going to work. If we live in a city, our first and main priority should be to choose a suitable house or fat; after all, most of our time will be spent at home. Before we make a choice it is good to find out about our neighbours. It is important to follow the basic rules of Vastu-Shastra (the original ancient Indian text and source of Feng-Shui). It is also essential to have a park or natural scenery nearby as that will help to make it more sattvic.

      If that is not possible, then we can create a more sattvic atmosphere within our home. We absorb the energy of our surroundings; therefore the atmosphere at home should be sattvic by maintaining high standards of cleanliness, starting with washing ourselves regularly. A home is heavily contaminated by TV; if we have one, we should try to choose shows that will lead to higher consciousness, although these are difficult to find.

      When we travel around the city we should avoid looking at billboards, shop displays, etc. We can listen to classes, wish everyone well, be friendly toward others, chant prayers or mantras, even meditate, or think and make plans for the next day. Basically, we should be able to switch ourselves of from external objects. It is good to have an audio player in our car which allows us to listen to classes and audio books.

      If we cannot keep our eyes away from advertisements, then in our mind we should at least try to create an objective picture. Try to remember that only two percent of all advertised products are actually useful. Generally it is better to try to avoid watching and listening to adverts; if this is not possible, we can remember that the advertised product in and of itself will not make us happy. For example, when we see cigarette advertisements, we should just visualise how these “happy” people are inhaling the tobacco smoke and how this black energy enters their lungs and entire body. Remember the story of the actor and model, Alan Landers: he was the face of Winston cigarettes during the 1960’s and 1970’s and died from throat cancer. Once his modelling career was over, he became even more famous as an activist for major antismoking campaigns.

      A job should be viewed as a way to use our talents for the benefit of the whole world. Regardless of what kind of work we do, we should do it with all our heart.

      It is important to carefully choose whom we associate with. It is better to limit how often we spend time with people in passion. We should completely avoid those who are in ignorance, refrain even from answering them and ignore them completely.

      Try to be a channel for pure energies in this world and to give it to everyone you meet. Then a balanced and peaceful life is possible, even in a city. But even so it is still important to remember that cities in fact take energy away from us, particularly large ones, as they are manifestations of ignorance and passion. Therefore it is vital to have a source from which the energy of goodness can be obtained. As we mentioned before, it can be from associating with exalted individuals, attending seminars, reading literature that contains wisdom and love, regular visits countryside, etc.

      The Guna of Ignorance – Instant Energy of Destruction

      Fire, diseases and debts should be dealt with immediately.

Ayurvedic Wisdom

      The guna of ignorance is practically never needed and has to be avoided and ignored.

      Why does it have to be avoided? As previously mentioned, this energy is similar to a nuclear weapon: once under its influence, destruction and ruin immediately follow. Just consider how much time and resources are needed to manufacture, for example, a Mercedes or BMW. Huge institutions are involved in this – two hundred and fifty thousand employees work for BMW in Germany only! And now, think of how much energy and time are needed to destroy a new car? One wise Ayurvedic doctor once told me, “Everything bad in this world happens quickly and unexpectedly.”

      Recently I had a conversation with one acquaintance that lives in northern Israel. There was some trouble in his family: he had to go to hospital due to a bad cardiogram result, even though for many years he had enjoyed good health and used to work at least twelve hours a day. Even while being in hospital, while receiving phone calls from colleagues, he would talk only about his job. He was completely oblivious to the cause of his illness and had little interest in changing his lifestyle. This is the typical attitude of someone in passion, and if passion is not transformed to goodness it degrades to ignorance.

      Ignorance in the form of diseases, scandalous break-ups in relationships, free, burglary and accidents generally come into our lives quickly and unexpectedly. If we are wise and sattvic, we will be able to notice the signs that imply their approach, and avoid them easily through a proactive lifestyle and mentality. Even the situations that come due to karma and are unavoidable, we can accept with gratitude, tranquility and love; thus by the influence of sattva, we can come out from a bad situation as a winner. There have been many great politicians and military leaders who were able to turn their mistakes and losses into great victories.

      One of the signs of ignorance is performing useless and meaningless activities: checking emails ten times a day, pointless chattering on the phone, watching the 384th episode of a TV series, as well as any aimless and meaningless activity and inactivity. “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all,” stated Peter Drucker, a management specialist.

      Ignorance is dangerous and must be avoided at any cost. Even two minutes of association with an ignorant person can later cause one to unexplainably become aggressive, fatigued or ill seriously.

      Despite all this, ignorance is also needed to some extent. For example, correct sleeping (sleep as a state of consciousness belongs to ignorance), demolishing old buildings, etc.

      We are composed of an eternal spirit, souls that are beyond the gunas and transcendental in nature, yet we are within material bodies which are tamasic (ignorant) in nature. Some may find this statement offensive: How is it that my body or the body of my loved ones are in ignorance when we have such beautiful eyes, nails and hair? Undoubtedly, the eyes are the mirror of the soul and if a person is spiritually advanced, in sattva, then their eyes are truly attractive. But if they were to be plucked out and put on a plate, it would be impossible to enjoy them anymore. Regarding hair and nails – Judaism says that if a pregnant woman walks on nails, she will suffer a miscarriage. In Vedic culture it is believed that if

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