Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие. Александра Александровна Егурнова

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Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие - Александра Александровна Егурнова

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      The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions.

      It contains varied exercises (gap filling, error correction, translation, speaking and writing full-answer activities, etc.), which are intended for the development of socio-lingual competence and improvement of an ability to make an indirect translation of idiomatic expressions and proverbs in English texts.

      The material used in exercises is taken from the authentic books and grouped into twelve sections on personal issues, which are sure to help students overcome translation problems in different communicative situations as well as to boost their professional growth by developing critical and creative thinking, original opinions, abilities to analyze, compare and abstract.

      The Key section gives students the opportunity to self-check.


      Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для студентов ВУЗов всех форм обучения.

      Книга содержит разнообразные упражнения (заполнение пропусков, исправление ошибок, перевод, устные и письменные задания с развернутым ответом и др.), которые направлены на формирование социолингвистической компетенции и закрепляют практические навыки опосредованного перевода выражений и текстов, содержащих идиоматические обороты и паремии английского языка.

      Материал для упражнений подобран из аутентичных книг и сгруппирован по 12 разделам личной тематики, которые призваны помочь обучаемым в различных коммуникативных ситуациях избежать трудностей перевода, а также способствуют их профессиональному росту, развивая критическое и творческое мышление, самостоятельность суждений, способность анализировать, сравнивать и обобщать.

      В пособии имеется раздел «Ключ» (Key), который предоставляет возможность самопроверки.


      Guess Russian equivalents of the idioms by the pictures given

      Other useful idioms and their explanation

      To be full of the joys of spring – to be glowing and cheerful, full of optimism and energy

      To do smth (just) for kicks – to do smth because it is exciting, often dangerous

      To get a (real) kick out of smth – to enjoy doing smth very much

      Smth blows one’s mind – smth makes a person very excited

      Smth is a dream come true – smth desired, but not likely to be realized, has actually happened

      Smth is music to one’s ears – smth that makes a person feel better, happy

      Smth makes one’s day – smth makes a person feel very happy


      He is happy that thinks himself so – счастлив тот, кто себя счастливым считает.

      He is happy who finds peace in his home – зачем и клад, коли в семье лад.

      Every man has his delight – у всякого барона своя фантазия.

      Every man is the architect of his own fortune – всяк своему счастью кузнец.

      The fewer the better cheer – меньше народу – больше кислороду.


      1.1 Combine the words from the box below to make six idioms. Use each word once only.

      1.2 Which idioms do the given pictures make you think of?

      1.3 Complete each idiom in the following sentences.

      1. Have you heard the news about Tom and Jill? They have won $1,000,000 on the lottery. They are ………….. moon.

      2. Sally’s at the greengrocer’s now buying exotic fruit. Finally her diet is over, and she’s thrilled …………. As she can eat almost anything she wants.

      3. Ted is ………… king because he’s finally got his driving license.

      4. Yesterday John proposed to Helen, and, though she said she’d think it over, I’m sure she was in ………….

      5. Don’t try to talk Claire into studying German abroad with you. Every man ………….. fortune.

      6. The news about Helen’s miraculous recovery was ………… ears of her family.

      7. Tim tried many times to get into that culinary TV show, and, when he did, he was ……………. world.

      8. Nancy lost her first child and miscarried a second one. That’s why she was ………….. nine after giving birth to her third baby.

      9. William is so weird; he never eats his lunch without licking his index fingers first. Really, ………….. delight.

      1.4 Replace the underlined part of each sentence with an idiom.

      1. Our teacher loves asking very difficult questions to fail his least favorite pupils. If he gives two or more bad marks during the lesson, it makes him feel very happy.

      2. Joanna was very excited when her family came from Mexico to see her new place in Australia.

      3. Michael enjoyed very much tackling tasks in Maths.

      4. I wanted to visit France so much that, when I was selected as an exchange student from our school, I couldn’t believe it had actually happened.

      5. My dream of having my own big house has finally come true. There’s no one in the world who could be happier than me. I’m in seventh heaven.

      6. Jumping from an aircraft by parachute, climbing mountains without any safety equipment are just a few activities Frank does for fun.

      7. At the training, I’ve learnt to value myself and my family. Now my motto is «Believe you’re happy and you’ll be happy

      1.5 Match the

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