Leader. Part 1. Maikl Sosnin

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Leader. Part 1 - Maikl Sosnin

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style="font-size:15px;">      Oligarch or downshifter.

      There is nothing in the middle and must be like this.

      At once I feel myself on the top.

      No friends, no wife, no kids, no parents.

      Nobody was near.

      Did I love them before?


      Truly speaking I was thinking that yes.

      You can love anybody only if the person make good to you.

      That you like.

      Or the person allow you total care about him.

      You love small kids, kittens, puppies, etc.

      You can love small people that you decide to take care about.

      You even can love your employees when they allow to take care of them.

      But then you will kill them.


      One of my good friends, best consultant on career in Russia say today only 3 years can good employee be on one place.


      Then they gone or you have to fire them because they in depression and give depression to your corporation.

      I was truly shocked.

      Sergey when you feel that you are alone?

      well…at the moment I realize nobody can give me money.


      well… if you need more that world banks can give it can be problem)))

      Love is a very difficult thing in reality.

      You can see that you love somebody.

      But next moment you do not love.

      But it was the same one!!!

      The same.

      Same person you see but feel that no more love.

      May be love is when you can take care of someone?

      Sergey answer but slowly.

      You need years so new knowledge become yourself.

      Your nature now and your nature that you must have is very different.

      Start thinking about word love is to take care.

      Or be liable.

      This is difficult.

      Lets start from the meaning take care.

      To be liable later.

      And know that you must be number one in the world.

      In all things.

      You already the best but you have to remember this all time.

      When you find it difficult, take couch, consultant on leadership and motivation…

      What does it mean to be the best?

      To feel it.

      Only feel.

      And all human will be like as they want to show you differ – only to help.

      If you play not clear you liable.

      For example.

      Tell me what is in common to be best and love?

      Well… if you want to study how to love you study leadership then.

      And if you want to become best you study love.

      Sounds like bullshit but true.

      Now I can’t explain it, you will not understand.

      Like the cat never can understand what is human.

      Cat never understand.

      So you will not understand.

      Not cry.

      It’s okay.

      After time you will understand it as feeling.

      And this is too much more important than to know.

      You know it is easy to speak about love and leadership when you are in Thalassa restaurant Vagator.

      It is best place in Asia.

      Owned by my friends family from Corfu.

      Usually when I come they close restaurant.

      Imagine how you are alone and all staff want your tips.

      If you give tips you don’t like.

      And you are not the best.

      No more tips and see how you become more egoist.

      Omar and champagne.

      Most expensive.

      When you don’t have money everybody want to steal it.

      When you have so many people don’t take from you.

      In restaurant no pay.

      Guest no pay.

      If so good guests…

      Sergey told me not to say who is he.

      I see to the ocean and say now I can love.

      After very good food and drink you can feel like this.

      I had such feeling.

      No Maikl, love is fight.

      It’s real fight.

      It’s a feeling of total weakness.

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