She-bear. Alexandr Keldyushov
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– It is time! – Sergey Petrovich agreed, promptly pulling out a heavy package with victuals wrapped in foil. – Now, let’s see what we have left!
– The last piece of meat is especially sweet! – Mikhail smiled, pulling out of a side pocket of a backpack a fork and an iron mug.
– Good point! – Sergey Petrovich confirmed, conjuring over lunch. He spread a newspaper and laid out on a makeshift table: bread, two chicken hams, pickles, four eggs, and potatoes in jackets. Looking at the products, he confidently concluded: – Mare yourself at home! Not a lot, but it is enough to lay the stomach for a while! And in the evening, if we are lucky, we will have fresh meat and will eat to heart content! He carefully pulled out of his pocket the camp saltshaker, gently poured a handful of salt on the edge of the newspaper and, without turning, asked his friend:
– I will serve the table here, and you go down to gather some dead wood for the fire! We will drink some tea from the leaves of currant! Look, there are many bushes of currant growing near the stream, and the tea from its young leaves will be fragrant!
– OK! – Mikhail uttered without much enthusiasm, reluctantly putting on his kersey boots again. He rose on legs, aching from hours of walking, with a stifled groan, and wearily headed to the fallen pine. He gathered dry branches with sharp blows of the heels and, having taken them in his arms, brought to the camp. He stacked firewood like a pyramid, took from his jacket breast pocket a box of matches wrapped in cellophane and, using only one match, lit the fire. Watching the growing power of flame with acute fascination, he carefully wrapped the box and put in the inside pocket. A match in the forest was something special. It was cherished as the apple of one’s eye. This was the protection, warmth, and hot food. And God forbid, if they were weeping or lost due to negligence, then big troubles would be waiting for the hunter: bad weather or night attack of big predators. And in the taiga, there were many those, who would like to eat human flesh, including bears, wolves, and lynx.
Mikhail cut off two spears with a knife, sharpened them at the base, stuck in the ground, parallel to each other, and put a straight stick on top. He went to the stream, filled a pot with spring water, plucked the leaves of currants, and carefully hung the pot over the fire. Rainbow drops, nimbly slipping through the surface blackened from the soot, were instantly licked off by the searing flames, and in places, where water and fire were contacted, the eternal symphony of indomitable opponents, crack and an annoying hiss, was born.
– Join me! – Sergey Petrovich invited his fellow with a gesture. – Lunch is ready! However, do not count on a nosh-up! Getting down to the meal, he crossed as usual.
And thanks for that! – Mikhail thanked, sitting opposite the old man. – Certainly, now I would eat a whole bull, but if there is none, eggs are also a food!
And men began to eat with an appetite.
– You know, I wanted to hunt for bear for a long time, but there was no any good chance for it! I got tired of the hoofed and horned animals! I want adrenaline, risk, danger! Although, these animals can also get you in trouble, regardless the fact that they are herbivores! The elk kicks with such strength that it can break the skull of the wolf! And bills are the real fanged furies. They have nothing to afraid. Attacking, they destroy everything on their way, like tanks. They killed a lot of hunters! – Mikhail mumbled with the mouth full, carefully gnawing on a chicken bone. – But still, I want something new! And ‘predator’ sounds somehow more respectful! Hefty bear plays up, and you… – The hunter, exposing the index finger, slyly squinted his left eye, as if aiming at an invisible enemy, and excitedly exclaimed: – Bang from a gun! And there is a small neat hole between the eyes! Here is your souvenir! I will stuff beautiful bearskin, put it in the middle of the hall, throw the wolf skin on top, and they will warm my bare feet during the long winter evenings! Splendid! One does not need much for the happiness, only comfort and warmth! And a worthy trophy!
– You are very fast! You picked up the pace, and nobody would stop you! You already cooked a hare before catching him! What a dreamer! A bear is not a wolf, it is the much more serious enemy! You cannot defeat him with your bare hands! And it is useless to shoot in his head. His skull is armour-piercing. The bullet will only bounce off it! – Sergey Petrovich ironically objected, stretching his legs out with a crunch in the knees. – It is not so easy as you imagine it! You think there is nothing to do: you aim and shoot, but you still need to hit the target! The bear is a very nimble beast. The moment you gape, and it will get you! Be sure that it will attack you in the twinkling of an eye! It will affectionately press you to its chest! And all this tenderness will make you so sick that you will not gather your bones!
– Yes, really! – Mikhail confirmed, thoughtfully shrugging. – We heard about a bear hug! It is like being caught in a steel grip, and there is no escape!
– Believe me, old man, that it is not the most painful thing! – The old man slyly squinted his eyes and continued in a pressurizing voice: – You will be lucky to lose your life quickly! But if it will run wild, then you should hold on, as his every playful punch is a new broken bone for you! You will look like a broken doll, and it will be still playing with you! Your cries of pain will be a sweet melody for it. Being in rage, it will not stop until you will breathe your last! You will become its trophy, which it will bury for a week for the smell and softness! It loves decayed meat more than fresh! And it will take your scalp to its lair! – Smiling, he mimicked his friend, – And it will admire it during the long rainy autumn months, remembering a successful spring hunt!
Mikhail grimaced in disgust, vividly picturing himself a bare, riddled with whitish veins of blood vessels, the human skull. Imagination, as usual, did not disappoint him.
– Really, a bear eats a smelly meat?!
And a seasoned hunter began to prove this.
– Do not doubt. Once, I saw a bear digging up a decomposed carcass of a red deer! It was so stinky that I was holding my nose, and the bear did not care: champed, and even salivated! So, the would-be hunters lie, claiming that a bear is legible and does not eat everything but only fresh meat! Do not believe it. This is nonsense told by people, who saw taiga only on TV – ‘In the World of Animals’! Bears like to eat ‘fresh meat’, which has been in the ground for at least a week, gaining the unforgettable flavour!
– Man! Live and learn! I would never have thought! – Mikhail spat in disgust. – How can it be called the master of taiga? No grandeur! It eats trash, like a hyena! – he lost the desire to try this bear’s meat, vaunted for its softness and juiciness. – What can I say?! One word – animals! And why does it like to eat dead flesh? – the man shrugged with disgust. – What a crap!
– Everyone to his own taste! – smiling, the old man said. – One wants a boiled food, while others prefer fried! But a bear chooses a naturally spoiled food! Everybody have his or her own delicacies!
– The deer’s meat is nobler than the bear’s meat! – Mikhail concluded, though, an unpleasant story did not ruin his appetite. – Herbivores have a huge plus – meat dishes are completely excluded from their diet! – And he added thoughtfully: – Yes, and hunt for them is hardly a pleasant walk! If one applies this logic, then one should consider who will win – the elk or the bear. Both are strong enough! And a bill is a leader. It is also hard to fight it. Its teeth are like razor blades, and it will quickly cut open one’s belly! A year ago, a funny incident happened to me! In the autumn, I decided to hunt for the wild boar! I took the double-barrelled gun, 16 calibre, filled cartridges with bullets, and