Ways to heaven. Colonization of Mars I. Violet Ugrat
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– A month ago our investigation managed to get valuable data from Russia. Russians in the classifieddocuments established the fact that reserves of their oil and gas aren't enough, the population growth afterbecause of oil infection with blue plague and other GMOs there comes a cruel crisis and a power collapse. With drinking water the situation isn't better. Stocks the pure, not infected radiation and other chemicals, waters, are promptly reduced. To be at war for resources, according to the Russians, silly. Therefore, all of them plan to throw funds for development of space, to be exact – the Moon, satellites of Mars, Jupiter andSaturn, and asteroids. There are many radioactive materials which will be raw materials for power plants, the plants and fuel for flights.
Already there are systems of electronic devices which with already from satellites by means of laser radiatorswill transfer solar energy to Earth. Technologies are fulfilled. The data collected by the Russian automaticprobes in some areas and on a surface of space objects have fallen of us into the hands. The results arestunning! Only on solar system and on satellites a large amount of water ice from which it is possible to extract drinking water contains, and to control work of system disinfecting will turn out remotely. Manyasteroids have in the subsoil the helium 3, conduits and other minerals capable to effectively replaceterrestrial oil, gas and coal! The Russians have already developed the plant for processing of similar asteroidswhich is planned to be placed in an orbit. They have thought over even ways of transportation of asteroids on Solar system! I am sure if we manage to transfer activity of cybernetic maniacs to space and to direct it to a research of asteroids, we can solve two problems at once: to reduce threat of wars on our planet and to findnew resources instead of quickly reduced terrestrial minerals.
– General Parkers! You just said that Russians have a fine investigation and counterintelligence! But how, youmanaged to get so valuable data? – In a voice of the English admiral Harry Mathewson irony notes wereheard.
Parkers waited for this question therefore has immediately answered:
– Sir! There are all bases to believe that the Russianshave intentionally leaked to us this information! TheGerman military who has settled down among generals from Sweden, Austria, Norway and Switzerland haverustled, conferring among themselves. They weren't ready to forgive to the USA the criminals who havepoisoned the world with the X107 system yet. A recent debate because of attempts of Germany to incline theEuropean Union to an exit from NATO and to form own block hasn't abated. Then only intervention of GreatBritain, Russia and, strangely enough, North Korea with her promise to close programs for neutron weapon(she has executed it), have forced the Germans to choose a way of the world and the help to patients. Thegeneral Shteyne, the young officer of land infantry, has cried out from the place:
– And who checked reliability of this information? Again, only doctors from the USA?
– Don't consider all our attempts to be ahead for lack of foresight. They invite, thus, us to join, put an end to wars. It and our chance to provide Earth with clever people whom there are enough benefits existing not it. They won't be torn to take control of the stranger or to make some wild action that is to him they are toonot provided. Systems of space exploration will bring up billions of people clever and happy lives, thesituation. For all there will be enough work on the computer with a simple check of the result: your car is broken or works. "Manual labors" which won't be too heavy will be enough for all and much. These peoplewill help to create self-starters which will release all necessary over time.
Reduction of prices because of growth of the quality of cars – already an occasion to begin development of space in common. Such prospect for the benefit of all mankind.
And itself, it is unexpected for itself, has aloud repeated a thought of the great-grandfather, Hugh Parkers:
– It is necessary to learn to cooperate with the Russians. And then the Western world in the union with Russiawill be able to make real miracles.
The skilled general Parkers were able to understand people, including, politicians. He knew that his wordshave made an impression. Decisions on development of own space cybernetic program by the countries of NATO it is accepted for a long time, let and by the principle of rivalry with Russia. Parkers has imperceptiblygrinned. Tell him who a year ago that he will work for the benefit of Russia, he would strangle such personown hands. Yes, but he worked also for the benefit of Russia. Another thing is that in this situation interestsof Russia were first of all hopes of his own country and the whole world to make mankind clever, intelligentand noble.
Working Place: Asteroids' Belt
Irina has entered an office stepping a fast.
– How progress? – she asked, sitting down on the panel.
– Well! It will be possible to start unpacking soon, – Neil answered, without coming off the screen.
– Was the delivery place defined?
– Yes, Brusilov's crater.
Irina, unlike Neil, already had experience of towage and delivery of modules with the equipment for space geologists. Last year she has investigated seven asteroids. All of them now became a part of Earth network system of computer merging. When Neil comes to Earth Belt Formation Centre, Irina has been appointed his personal curator. Five years of training and training under her supervision, and now Neil has received the first individual task. He slowly moved the management joystick. To the set point remained still meters ten. And it is at least an hour. The situation was complicated by the fact that the asteroid did a whole revolution around its pivot center in twenty-two minutes. Eleven minutes the party with a probe was in "a dead zone". The signal from the satellite located nearby during this period of time was so weak that Neil preferred to leave the probe motionless. He didn't want a crash cause chosen the mine space where around wasn't a soul. Most of the neighbors remained at other edges of a ring or have been closed by a background of the next stones. It is impossible to say that a Belt is thrown but also there the civilization settled down, as well as on Earth's surface. It was possible to go to unexplored places hoping to find something valuable. But it was necessary to be reconciled