In A New World: or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia. Horatio Alger Jr.

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In A New World: or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia - Horatio Alger Jr.

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to ask for some money, however," continued Fletcher, in an off-hand manner, "for it is necessary to buy supplies for our journey. You know we shan't be able to put up at hotels on our way, but must furnish our own meals."

      "So I have heard," answered Harry. "What is it customary to take?"

      "Well, it will be best to buy a bag of coffee, a sack of flour, some ship biscuits, potatoes, and sugar. That will do to start on, and we shall vary our diet by what we are able to kill on the way."

      "What can we kill?"

      "Well, kangaroo meat isn't bad, and we can bring down a few birds occasionally."

      "Then we shall need guns?"

      "Yes, it will be well to have them."

      This was another expense upon which Harry had not calculated. He began to think that he had been very improvident. The professor would readily have left him a hundred dollars more, and as it would have been repaid with his own money, he was sorry he had not availed himself of it.

      "How much do you think the supplies will cost?" asked Harry.

      "Well, you had better let me have ten pounds. I think that will be sufficient."

      "For the whole or for our share?" asked Harry pointedly.

      "For your share," answered Fletcher after a pause. "It seems to me you are very suspicious."

      Really he had intended to make the two boys pay for the whole stock of provisions and save his own purse, for he had in reality as much money as they.

      "I only wanted to understand clearly," said Harry quietly. "As we are in some sort partners, that is fair, is it not?"

      "Oh, yes," returned Fletcher, but he did not respond with any alacrity. "I'm always fair and above board, I am. No man can say that Dick Fletcher ever tried to get the best of him. Why, if I was better fixed I wouldn't let you two boys pay a cent. I'd shoulder the whole thing myself."

      "Your offer is a very kind one, Mr. Fletcher – "

      "Don't say Mr. Fletcher; call me Dick," interrupted their new acquaintance.

      "I will if you wish it, though as you are so much older, it hardly seems proper. What I was going to say was that Jack and myself are determined to pay our share. We couldn't accept any such favor as you mention."

      "That's all right. Now, if you let me have the ten pounds I'll take all the trouble off your hands, and have everything ready for a start to-morrow morning."

      "I would prefer to go with you and help select the articles."

      Fletcher looked disconcerted.

      "Oh, well, if you think I aint capable – " he began.

      "I think nothing of the kind, but I want to learn as much as I can. I may have to do it alone some time."

      It was well Harry adhered to his determination. It saved him three pounds, and Fletcher was forced to pay his share, as he had not intended to do. While they were making purchases they were accosted by a tall loose-jointed man, whom it was easy to recognize as a Yankee.

      "Goin' to the mines, boys?" he asked in a strong nasal tone.

      "Yes," answered Harry.

      "So am I. I'd like to hook on to your party if you aint no objections."

      For some reason Dick Fletcher did not appear to relish the proposal.

      "I don't think we can accommodate you," he said abruptly.

      "I think we can," said Harry, who was beginning to be distrustful of Fletcher, and felt safer in adding another to the party. "There are but three of us, and we shall be glad of your company."

      Dick Fletcher looked angry, but did not venture to oppose the plan further.


      On the last evening spent in Melbourne the boys decided to take a farewell walk about the city, not knowing when it would again be their fortune to see it. Neither Fletcher nor their new Yankee acquaintance was at hand, and they started by themselves. They did not confine themselves to the more frequented streets, but followed wherever fancy led.

      They had no thought of an adventure, but one awaited them.

      As they were turning the corner of a narrow street, their attention was suddenly excited by a sharp cry of blended surprise and fright.

      "What is it, Jack?" asked Harry, grasping his companion by the arm.

      He did not need to await a reply, for by the indistinct light he saw two men struggling a few rods further on. One appeared to be an old man, with white hair, the other was a man of middle age. Clearly it was a case of attempted robbery.

      "Run, Jack, run!" said Harry, in excitement. "Let us help the old man!"

      "I'm with you," answered the young sailor briefly.

      Harry had in his hand a heavy cane – his only weapon – but he did not stop to consider the personal risk he was running. As he drew near, the old man, whose feeble strength was quite unequal to a conflict with a man so much younger, swayed and fell backward. His assailant bent over him, and despite his feeble resistance began to search his pockets, at the same time indulging in savage threats. The old man gave himself up for lost, but help was nearer than he anticipated.

      So occupied was the villain with his disgraceful work that he did not hear the approaching footsteps.

      His first intimation of them came in a sounding blow over his shoulders, given by Harry's stick, which was laid on with a good will.

      He jumped to his feet with an oath, and darted a rapid glance at his two assailants. Then, much to the surprise of Harry, he turned and ran rapidly away. It was a piece of great good luck, Harry thought, for he was not at all sure that he and Jack combined would have been a match for the highwayman.

      "Are you hurt, sir?" asked Harry, bending over the old man.

      "Not seriously," was the reply. "Will you kindly help me up?"

      With Jack's help Harry got the old man on his feet. He was a tall man, of splendid aspect, over sixty years of age. He looked like a gentleman of wealth and position.

      "You have had a narrow escape, sir," said our hero.

      "Yes, indeed," answered the old man, "thanks to your brave interference. It surprises me that my brutal assailant should have run away from two boys."

      "I am surprised also, sir. I feared we should have a hard fight. I suppose his object was robbery."

      "Yes, he must have heard in some way that I had a large sum of money about me. Thanks to you, it is safe."

      "I am very glad, sir."

      "Do you mind accompanying me to my house? This attack has made me timid."

      "With pleasure, sir."

      The old gentleman lived perhaps a quarter of a mile distant in a handsome house. He pressed the boys to enter, and they did so. He questioned them as to their plans, and then selecting two bank-notes of large denomination,

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