Slave, Warrior, Queen. Morgan Rice

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Slave, Warrior, Queen - Morgan Rice Of Crowns and Glory

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him, to give him a few more years of innocence, even though there was no innocence to be had in this land. She forced herself not to act on her impulse. As a man, he needed to see these instances of cruelty, not only to adapt, but also to one day be a strong contender in the rebellion.

      The soldiers grabbed the boy out of the merchant’s hands and then tossed his lifeless body into the back of a wooden cart. The merchant pressed his hands to his face and sobbed.

      Within seconds, the cart was on its way, and the previously open space was again filled with people meandering about the square as if nothing had happened.

      Ceres felt an overwhelming sense of nausea well up inside. It was unjust. In this moment, she could pick out a half a dozen pickpockets – men and women who had perfected their art so well that not even the Empire soldiers could catch them. This poor boy’s life was now ruined because of his lack of skill. If caught, thieves, young or old, would lose their limbs or more, depending on how the judges felt that day. If he were lucky, his life would be spared and he would be sentenced to work in the gold mines for life. Ceres would rather die than have to endure being imprisoned like that.

      They continued along the street, their mood ruined, shoulder to shoulder with the others as the heat grew almost unbearable.

      A golden carriage pulled up next to them, forcing everyone out of the way, shoving people up to the houses on the sides. Jostled roughly, Ceres looked up to see three teenage girls in colorful silk dresses, pins of gold and precious jewels adorning their intricate up-dos. One of the teenagers, laughing, tossed a coin out onto the street, and a handful of commoners stooped onto hands and knees, scrambling for a piece of metal that would feed a family for an entire month.

      Ceres never stooped to pick up any handouts. She’d rather starve than take donations from the likes of those.

      She watched a young man get hold of the coin and an older man drive him to the ground and clamp a stiff hand around his neck. With the other hand, the older man forced the coin out of the young man’s hand.

      The teenage girls laughed and pointed fingers before their carriage continued to weave through the masses.

      Ceres’s insides clenched with disgust.

      “In the near future, inequality will vanish forever,” Rexus said. “I will see to it.”

      Listening to him speak, Ceres’s chest swelled. One day she would fight side by side with him and her brothers in the rebellion.

      As they neared the Stade the streets widened, and Ceres felt like she could take a breath. The air buzzed. She felt she would rupture from excitement.

      She walked through one of the dozens of arched entrances and looked up.

      Thousands upon thousands of commoners teemed inside the magnificent Stade. The oval structure had collapsed on the top northern side, and the majority of the red awnings were torn and provided little protection from the sweltering sun. Wild beasts growled from behind iron gates and trap doors, and she could see the combatlords standing ready behind the gates.

      Ceres gaped, taking it all in in wonder.

      Before she knew it, Ceres looked up and realized she had fallen behind Rexus and her brothers. She rushed forward to catch up, yet as soon as she did, four burly men had surrounded her. She smelled alcohol, rotting fish, and body odor as they pressed in too close, turning and gaping at her with rotted teeth and ugly smiles.

      “You’re coming with us, pretty girl,” one of them said as they all strategically moved in on her.

      Ceres heart raced. She looked ahead for the others, but they were already lost in the thickening crowd.

      She confronted the men, trying to put on her bravest face.

      “Leave me be or I will…”

      They burst into laughter.

      “What?” one mocked. “A wee girl like you take us four?”

      “We could carry you out of here kickin’ and screamin’ and not a soul would say nuttin’,” another added.

      And it was true. From the corner of her eye, Ceres watched people rush by, pretending not to notice how these men were threatening her.

      Suddenly, the leader’s face turned serious, and with one swift move, he grabbed her arms and pulled her close. She knew they could haul her away, never to be seen again, and that thought terrified her more than anything.

      Trying to ignore her pounding heart, Ceres spun around, snatching her arm out of his stronghold. The other men hooted in amusement, but when she thrust the base of her palm into the leader’s nose, snapping his head back, they went silent.

      The leader placed filthy hands over his nose and grunted.

      She didn’t relent. Knowing she had one chance, she kicked him once in the stomach, remembering her days of sparring, and he keeled over as she connected.

      Immediately, though, the other three were upon her, their strong hands grabbing her, yanking her away.

      Suddenly, they relented. Ceres looked over with relief to see Rexus appear and punch one in the face, knocking him out.

      Nesos then appeared and grabbed another and kneed him in the stomach before kicking him to the ground, leaving him in the red dirt.

      The fourth man charged toward Ceres, but just as he was about to attack, she ducked, spun, and kicked him in the rear so he went flying into a pillar headfirst.

      She stood there, breathing hard, taking it all in.

      Rexus placed a hand on Ceres’s shoulder. “Are you all right?”

      Ceres’s heart was still running wild, but a feeling of pride slowly replaced her fear. She had done well.

      She nodded and Rexus wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they continued on, his full lips gliding into a smile.

      “What?” Ceres asked.

      “When I saw what was happening, I wanted to run my sword through each and every one of them. But then I saw how you defended yourself.” He shook his head and chuckled. “They didn’t expect that.”

      She felt her cheeks flush. She wanted to say she had been fearless, but the truth was, she had not been.

      “I was nervous,” she admitted.

      “Ciri, nervous? Never.” He kissed Ceres on top of the head, and they continued into the Stade.

      They found a few spots left at ground level and they took their seats, Ceres thrilled it was not too late as she put all the events of the day behind her and allowed herself to become caught up in the excitement of the cheering crowd.

      “Do you see them?”

      Ceres followed Rexus’s finger and looked up to see a dozen or so teenagers sitting in a booth, sipping wine from silver goblets. She had never seen such fine clothing, so much food on one table, so much sparkling jewelry in her entire life. Not one of them had sunken cheeks or concave bellies.

      “What are they doing?” she asked when she saw one of them collecting coins into a gold bowl.

      “Each owns a combatlord,” Rexus said, “and they

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